    Strontium ferrite, Copper, Cu Glass fibres


    Thermal conduc- a:4.61G0.42, l 11:2.07G0.02,l33: l11:1.76G0.00,l33: l11:401 l:1.2–1.5

    tivity (W/(m K)) a:5.10,l11:9.7 2.92G0.07, 10.69G1.35,

    a:1.72G0.04 a:2.97,a:3.00G0.10,


    Reference [13]





    Mean particle diam- 9 1.5 2.0 1.5 15 11

    eter (mm)

    Particle shape Irregular Irregular Platelet Irregular Irregular Fibre

    Density (g/cm3) 5.1 4.48 2.78 5.11 8.94 2.58

    a denotes measurements on monomineralic aggregates. Directions of anisotropy are specified by the thermal conductivity tensor (l11, l22, l33), where l11, l22

    and l33  are parallel to the crystallographic axes a, b and c,   respectively.

    polypropylene, e.g. for bottle closures (cosmetics industry, cf. Ref. [10]), strontium ferrite is used in polymer    bonded

    time t after injection. Neglecting higher order terms, Eq. (3) can be reduced for the position xZs/2   to

    magnets, glass fibres are used for the reinforcement of materials, and talc is an anti-blocking agent. However, copper was chosen as additional  filler because of its    high

    thermal conductivity compared to the other materials.

    The thermal properties of these injection moulded samples and the injection moulding behaviour were investigated and correlated to the amount and the kind of filler material.

    2. Theoretical considerations

    The Fourier law of heat transport in one dimension is given by

    vT Z a v T文献综述

    vt vx2 (1)

    with temperature T, time t, position x and thermal diffusivity a. In an homogeneous body, thermal diffusivity a and thermal conductivity l are interrelated by specific density r

    and specific heat capacity cp  according to

    l Z cpra (2)

    Assuming an injection moulding process with an isothermal filling stage for a polymer with a temperature TP and a constant temperature of the mould TM as well as a temperature independent thermal diffusivity a, an analytical solution of Eq. (1) results in  [9]


    Eq. (4) gives a relation between cooling rate and thermal diffusivity in an injection moulding process, where high thermal diffusivities result in a higher cooling rate and shorter process cycles.

    3. Experimental

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