    Recently, the development of aerospace and automobile industries has brought new technological challenges, related to the growing
    complexity of products and the new geometry of the models. High speed milling with a 5-axis milling machine has been widely used for 3D
    sculptured surface parts.9573
    When turbine blades are machined by a 5-axis milling, their thin and cantilever shape causes vibrations, deflections and twists. Therefore,
    the surface roughness and the waviness of the workpiece are not good.
    In this paper, the effects of cutter orientation and the lead/tilt angle used to machine turbine blades with a 5-axis high speed ball end-milling
    were investigated to improve geometric accuracy and surface integrity. The experiments were performed using a lead/tilt angle of 158 to the
    workpiece with four cutter directions such as horizontal outward, horizontal inward, vertical outward, and vertical inward directions.
    Workpiece deflection, surface roughness and the machined surface were all measured with various cutter orientations such as cutting
    directions, and lead/tilt angle. The results show that the best cutting strategy for machining turbine blades with a 5-axis milling is horizontal
    inward direction with a tilt angle.
    # 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
    Keywords: High speed milling; 5-Axis milling; Lead/tilt angle; Cutter orientation1. Introduction
    Recently, there have been many studies of high speed
    milling with regard to the high precision and the efficient
    cutting in the aerospace, automobile, electronics, and semi-
    conductor manufacturing industries.
    High speed machining was suggested by Carl J. Salomon
    [1] in 1924 to increase accuracy, lower costs and save
    machining time. It has a possibility that reduce the material
    removal volume per tooth at the high cutting speed as
    compared to conventional cutting. Therefore, it is able to
    do the high precision machining. On the other hand, it is
    possible to have highly efficient manufacturing by using a
    high feed rate and a material removal rate [2,3].
    These days, the complex components of high dimension
    accuracy have been required. However, it is impossible to
    produce very precise products using the conventional 3-axis
    milling. So, the importance of 5-axis milling has increased,
    because of obtaining the high dimension accuracy by means
    of the one set-up machining. Also, it is possible to carry out
    side cutting, because the worker can change the inclined
    angle of a tool. Consequently, the surface roughness is better
    than that of a product produced by 3-axis milling. 5-Axis
    milling has been employed to produce a wide range of
    turbine blades, impellers, tire moulds and screws.
    Several studies of 5-axis milling have been performed by
    various authors. Rao et al. [4] showed both the avoidance of
    gouging and the selection of an effective cutter profile for an
    optimal choice of the feed direction for 5-axis milling.
    Baptista and Antune Simoes [5] suggested that surface
    roughness was improved with the inclined milling in the
    feed direction. Tonshoff and Hernandez-Camacho [6] found
    that the optimal inclined angle was 158 in ball end-milling of
    block materials. This paper evaluates machinability based
    on various cutter orientations such as cutting directions, and
    Corresponding author. Present address: High Speed Machining System
    Lab, ERC/NSDM, Pusan National University, Changjun-dong San 30,
    Pusan 609-735, South Korea. Tel.: þ82-51-510-3092;
    fax: þ82-51-514-2982.
    E-mail address: machine1004@hanmail.net (T.-S. Lim).machine (MIKRON UCP-710). The maximum revolution
    and feed rate of the machine are 42,000 rpm and 30 m/min,
    Table 1 shows the cutting conditions in this experiment.
    All cutter orientations adopt a climb and dry cutting. In order
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