
    cover and iron cover. Intensive studies on this kind of cooling
    channels have not been carried out adequately. In this paper, milled
    groove cooling channels method is continued to investigate for
    larger plastic part in automotive industry. Further more, the
    influence of cooling channels’ configuration to the thermal behavior
    of the mold cavity and the way of optimization are addressed in the
    upcoming sections.
    The conformal cooling channels are different from straight-
    drilled conventional cooling channels. In conventional cooling
    channels, the free-form surface of mold cavity is surrounded by
    straight cooling lines machined by drilling method. It is clear that
    the distance from the cooling lines and mold cavity surface varies
    and results in uneven cooling effect. On the contrary, in the
    conformal cooling channels, the cooling paths match the mold
    cavity surface well by keeping a nearly constant distance between
    cooling paths and mold cavity surface. It was reported that this kind
    of cooling channels gives better even temperature distribution in the
    molded part than that of the conventional one. Figure 1 shows an
    example of a conformal cooling channel for a supposed free-form
     molded part.  
    Besides SFF method, milling by CNC milling machine is an
    alternative method for making the conformal cooling channels,
    even though it is not flexible than the SFF method. However, milled
    groove cooling channels method can be applied to any material
    which is used to make the mold. In addition, it is not necessary to
    machine the cooling channel precisely, so the machining time can
    be reduced by applying high-speed machining and high material
    removal rate technology. Milled groove cooling channels pattern
    can be designed freely to avoid interfering with other features in the
    mold such as ejector pins or other components.
    The milled groove cooling channels are modeled by extruding
    the cooling layouts including lines and curves with a thickness d in
    XY plane up to the offset surface of the cavity impression. There
    are two ways to make U-shape milled groove cooling channels. The
    first method is applied when milled groove is deeper than the
    permitted length of ball end milling tool. In this case, the big pocket
    is machined first then the U-shape pockets are milled with a
    constant depth into the offset surface of the mold core and mold
    cavity as shown in Fig. 2. An inserted block is also machined and
    assembled to the main mold cavity part to make complete U-shape
    mill groove cooling channels for a haft mold. Sealing by O-rings is
    required to prevent coolant leakage. The second method should be
    used when the deepest milled groove is shorter than the length of
    the milling tool. In this method, the pocket milling operation is
    performed for the cooling channel groove in the cavity part as
    shown by a cross-section in Fig. 3. A similar pattern core insert on which their bottom surfaces must be offset from the mold
    impression to keep the constant cross-section of cooling paths is
    also milled. A complete U-shape cooing is obtained when the mold
    cavity part and core inserts part are assembled and fixed by socket
    screws. The cross-section of a U-shape cooling channels is depicted
    in Fig. 3. In heat transfer analysis and finite element method,
    cooling channels are treated as beam elements; hence equivalent
    diameter  de based on equivalent cross-sectional area is defined as
    follows: Milled groove cooling channel burdens the mold manufacturing
    cost compared to straight-drilled channels due to extra expenditure
    of mold material and milling operation. In plastic injection molding,
    trade-offs are sometimes required. It can be seen that the volume of
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