    摘要“河长制”,是由各个地区党政领导出任河长,主要负责河流的污染治理。河长制是一种污染治理制度的创新,它是由环保问责制、水质改善领导督办制衍生出来的,其目的是治理河流污染,使河流在在长时期内保持水质清洁的良好生态环境。河长制的出现,让本来无人愿意管理、被肆意污染的河流,变成了河长的案头工作,在当下中国水危机的严峻情形下,似乎催动水质改善的河长制是可行的制度。 江苏省无锡市首创了河长制,在太湖蓝藻暴发后,无锡市委、市政府针对无锡市水污染严重,自加压力的举措,全面处理企业违法排污、农业面源污染、河道长时间没有清淤整治等严重等现象。19593
    关键词:“河长制” 河流污染 政府管理 河流治理
    Title  Forth level of “the responsibility system for the river”management mechanism under government coordination perspective—— a demonstration analysis of Jiangyin
    The system is named “the responsibility system for the river” which requires that the river manager should be held by party and government leaders from all regions. Those river mangers will be mainly responsible for controlling river contamination. The responsibility system for the river is a system of pollution control which is really a great innovation. This system is derived from environmental accountability system and the system that leadership is responsible for the supervision to improve water quality, which is aimed at governing river pollution and keeping the water clean in the long term to get a good ecological environment. Those once ungoverned and indiscriminately polluted river has become the most important desk work of these river mangers for the implementation of the responsibility system for the river. Therefore, under the severe situation of the current China Water Risk, the system seems to be a feasible system to improve water quality. Wuxi, which is a part of Jiangsu Province, pioneered the responsibility system for the river. After a large bloom of blue-green algae in Taihu Lake, addressing those issues of serious water pollution, Wuxi municipal party Committee and Government took self-pressurized measures to deal with a host of serious problems in the round, such as corporations' illegal sewage, agricultural pollution and channel filling.
    In this paper I will focus on Jiangyin, a County-level city of Wuxi. The paper mainly conducts researches on four-level river management mechanism from the perspective of government coordination. According to the present operation situation of the responsibility system for the river, I explore the advantages and limitations of the system for river management to find improvements. On that basis, this four-level river management mechanism can play a greater role in watershed management.
    Keywords: The Responsibility System For The River , River pollution , Government management , River improvement
    目  次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  选题的背景和研究意义    1
    1.1.1  选题的现实意义    1
    1.1.2  选题的理论意义    1
    1.2  研究方法    2
    1.2.1  文献研究法    2
    1.2.2  实地调查法    2
    1.2.3  比较分析法    2
    1.3  研究的创新点    2
    2  相关概念和理论基础    3
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