    Abstract:  With science and technology developed at top speed in our country, people keep a close relationship with network, television and cell-phone, the rising style of online shopping, which is without time and location engagement, it is also popular with its information channel to get high quality and inexpensive goods, and gets good development. As the outcome of the rising internet, “online shopping ”has some limitations itself, for instance, safeguard the legitimate rights of online consumers and the quality problem guarantee of online shopping goods. As a result, we need legal institutions to keep consumer protection. “Seven days no reason to return system” comes out based on this situation, which promotes the network shopping system in our country make a big step forward undoubtedly. In order to implement the “no reason to return system”, make a safety environment for the fast development of online shopping, and safeguard the legal interest of online consumers and network sales at the same time, the exploration of “no reason to return system” will be an important direction of related Consumer rights protection law at present.
    Key words:no reason to return system;online shopping;The protection of consumers' rights and interests;
    目    录
    摘  要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    2
    前言    2
    一、七天无理由退货制度概述    2
    (一)七天无理由退货的含义及其发展渊源    3
    (二)七天无理由退货制度的创立意义    4
    二、七天无理由退货制度存在缺陷    5
    (一)立法对于不宜于退货商品规定不明确    5
    (二)退货商品完好界定不明确    6
    (三)缺乏完整社会信用体系    6
    (四)缺乏统一管理标准    7
    三、七天无理由退货制度的完善及建议    7
    (一)完善立法明确商品性质    7
    (二)建立平衡机制    8
    (三)建立统一管理标准    9
    (四)规范社会信用体系建立    9
    四、结语    10
    参考文献    11
    致谢    12
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