    The criminal law protection of personal information in China

    Abstract:With the rapid development of science and technology and the coming of information age, the personal information begins to appear as a new interest, bringing a lot of convenience to people. However, in the meantime, some lawbreakers master and make use of others' personal information improperly, bringing many troubles. Therefore, it is especially important for laws to protect the safety of citizen's personal information. Although China's "criminal law amendment (seven)" provides two kinds of charges, the crime of selling and illegally providing personal information of citizens as well as illegally obtaining personal information, there are still disputes and defects in many aspects. Therefore, the establishment and perfection of our country's personal information protection law is imminent. To solve the above problems the criminal law protection of personal information should be discussed from the following aspects. Firstly, the comparison between domestic and foreign situation of criminal law protection of personal information is made. And then some ideas of perfecting our country criminal law protection of personal information of citizens are put forward, according to the lessons from foreign successful legislative experience and the specific conditions of our country.
    Key words:personal information; criminal protection; the right of personal information
    目    录

    摘要    1
    Abstract    2
    一 、我国个人信息刑法保护的概述    3
    (一)个人信息的法律解读    3
    (二)公民个人信息刑法保护的必要性分析    4
    二、我国个人信息刑法保护的现状及存在问题    5
    (一)我国公民个人信息刑法保护的现状    5
    (二)我国公民个人信息刑法保护存在的问题    6
    三、国外个人信息刑法保护现状及对我国的借鉴意义    7
    (一)国外个人信息刑法保护现状    7
    (二)国外个人信息刑法保护对我国的借鉴意义    8
    四、完善我国公民个人信息刑法保护的构想    9
    (一)罪名设置明确化、独立化    9
    (二)定罪量刑标准细化    9
    (三)完善相关附属刑法,实现全面保护    10
    参考文献    13
    致    谢    14,3661
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  2. 下一篇:累犯量刑制度研究+存在问题+立法完善
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