

    毕业论文关键词:“误拆”,故意, 故意毁坏财物罪 ,监督体制改革

    Abstract : In recent years, "mistakenly removed" the frequent occurrence of the relevant reports are endless, in fact, the so-called "mistaken demolition" demolition party intentionally mostly just want to evade responsibility and punishment demolitions, resulting in the demolition party "mistakenly removed" as a pretext for demolitions. "Mistakenly removed 'behavior can not be ignored, from the constituent elements constitute the crime of intentional destruction of property analysis, intentionally" mistakenly removed "losses caused by the country in achieving quantitative criteria specified by law, may constitute the crime of intentional destruction of property. In this paper, in order to split the post office in Nanjing as a starting point to explore case studies. Locate intentionally "mistakenly removed" the root cause of repeated events. And that the petition should be modified principle of territorial jurisdiction, to establish an effective system of supervision and improve relevant laws and other measures to reduce or even eliminate the occurrence of intentionally "mistakenly removed" event.

    Key words :"mistakenly removed" ,intentionally, intentional destruction of property, supervision reform


    1引言 4

    2关于“误拆”真实性的探析 4

    2.1 南京邮局被拆案 4

    2.2案情分析——故意“误拆” 4

    3故意“误拆”的定性分析 5

    3.1故意毁坏财物罪的概念 5

    3.2故意毁坏财物罪的构成要件 6

    4故意“误拆”行为的原因及影响分析 7

    4.1故意“误拆”产生的原因 7

    4.2故意“误拆”现象的影响分析 9

    5解决故意“误拆”问题的对策 9

    5.1修改信访属地管辖的原则 10

    5.2建立有效的针对司法机关的监督体系 10

    5.3扩大本罪的主题范围 11

    5.4明确规定强拆的范围 11

    5.5切实保障民众知情权 12

    结  论 13

    参考文献 14

    致  谢 15



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