




    Title     The HVAC design of a command center for the Daqing Public Security Burear 



    The design of central air-conditioning system for d a command center for the Daqing Public Security Burear is aimed to givea comfortable working condition indoors. The total area of the building is about 11000m².During summer,air condition provide cooling air,while radiotor heating in winter. A fan coil units (FCUs)--fresh air system is selected and central screw water chillers are used to provide the chilling water needed. In winter, the municipal central heating system is used to supply heat and keep official room warm.Some of the main points in this design are given as follows:Cooling load calculation, the estimation of system zoning; the design of air duct system and calculation; the estimation of air distribution method and the selection of relevant equipments; the design of water system and the analysis of its resistance losses; the plan of the insulation of air duct and chilled water pipes; etc.. Meanwhile, equipment selection is also an essential part of the design. According to the requirement, a fan coil units (FCUs)--fresh air system is appropriate. Thus,the main process equipment, i.e. the chiller, the fan coil units,  the circulating water pumps, the cooling tower, are also determined in the design considering their characteristics and working conditions.

    KEY WORDS: official building, central air conditioning, cooling water chiller fan coil units (FCUs)--fresh air system

                             目 次

    1.概论 1

    1.1 工程概况 1

    1.2 设计依据 1

    1.2.1 设计范围及要求 1

    1.2.2 设计规范与标准 1

    2 空调负荷计算 1

    2.1 空调室内外计算参数 1

    2.1.1 基本气象参数 1

    2.1.2 室内设计参数 2

    2.1.3 体力活动性质 2

    2.1.4 建筑结构特点 2

    2.2 空调系统新风量的确定 3

    2.3 空调冷负荷计算 4

    2.3.1 围护结构瞬变传热引起的冷负荷 4

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