


    毕业论文关键词  中央空调、全空气系统、冷热源


    Title  Design of air conditioning engineering for a shopping square in Shanghai


    Abstract This design is a shopping square in Shanghai City air conditioning engineering design, is a ground 12, underground 1 floors of the building. The main food and beverage, shopping malls, cinemas, office and other uses of the ground. Underground one is the equipment layer. The full air system is used in the whole building, and the indoor heat and moisture load is all borne by the treated air. The air distribution can be distributed according to the need of the air quality, and it can be used to make the air quality better, and has the strong ability of the air desiccant, and maintain the simple.

        The cold and heat source of the air conditioning region is the water cooled centrifugal unit and the municipal heat supply network. Centrifugal chiller unit has a large amount of cooling capacity, compact structure, good regulation, reliable operation, technical skill and convenient maintenance. The municipal heat supply network is practical and inexpensive.It saves the initial investment, the use of cost is also cheaper.

    Keywords  Central Air Conditioning,all air system,cold and heat source


    1  引言 6

    1.1  工程概况 6

    1.1.1工程名称及概况 6

    1.1.2土建资料 6

    1.2  设计依据 7

    1.2.1设计目的 7

    1.2.2设计任务及要求 7

    1.2.3设计范围 7

    1.3  设计规范与标准 8

    2  空调的负荷计算 9

    2.1  空调室内、外计算参数 9

    2.1.1空调室外空气设计参数 9

    2.1.2空调室内空气计算参数 9

    2.2  空调冷负荷计算 9

    2.2.1外墙瞬变传热引起的冷负荷 9

    2.2.2外玻璃窗瞬变传热引起的冷负荷 10

    2.2.3玻璃窗日射得热引起的冷负荷 10

    2.2.4设备散热和照明形成的冷负荷 11

    2.2.5人体散热形成的冷负荷 11

    2.2.6   新风冷负荷 11

    2.3空调湿负荷 12

    2.4空调热负荷 12

    2.4.1 围护结构基本耗热量计算 12

    2.4.2 围护结构修正耗热量计算

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