    The influence of logistics industry’s development to Chinese e-commerce
    Abstract: With the further development of the Internet, as a new business mode, e-commerce has been accepted by more and more people. People have more and more expectations of the logistics. The logistics’ development has faced with new opportunities and challenges and presenting a new trend of development. With the promotion and application of e-commerce, some problems have become the bottleneck of restricting Chinese e-commerce’s development. Therefore, at the same time, developing e-commerce should not ignore the development of logistics industry. This paper through the analysis of the relationship between logistics and e-commerce and some problems in development of logistics, then summed up the influence of logistics industry’s development to e-commerce in our country, in the hope of has better development of Chinese e-commerce and logistics industry.
    Keywords: Logistics;E-commerce;Development bottleneck; Model innovate
    引言    1
    一、    绪论    2
    (一)    研究背景及问题提出    2
    1、    课题的研究背景    2
    2、    课题研究的问题    2
    (二)    研究目的和意义    3
    二、    我国物流业与电子商务概况    4
    (一)    物流与电子商务的定义    4
    1、    物流的定义    4
    2、    电子商务的定义    4
    (二)    物流与电子商务的关系    5
    1、    电子商务的发展离不开物流的保障    5
    2、    电子商务对物流企业提出更高要求    6
    (三)    电子商务物流的发展现状    7
    三、    现阶段物流业成为影响电子商务发展的瓶颈    8
    (一)    电子商务物流的服务质量不高    8
    (二)    物流系统专业化程度不高,影响电商效益    8
    (三)    现代物流管理人才和技术人才缺乏    9
    (四)    物流信息化建设滞后    9
    (五)    经营方式落后    10
    四、    突破电子商务物流瓶颈的探索    11
    (一)    提高电子商务物流的服务质量的管理    11
    (二)    电商企业的物流系统要逐渐走专业化道路    11
    (三)    要加强物流信息化建设    12
    (四)    加强电子商务物流人才的培养    12
    (五)    建立新的经营模式,迎合市场需求    13
    五、    物流业的发展将推动电子商务走向成熟    15
    (一)    电子商务背景下物流业的发展    15
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