    关键词:收入差距  洛伦兹曲线  城乡一体化
    The income gap between Shanghai urban and rural residents and the causes and management of research
    ——Based on the comparison of the X area and Y
    Abstract:Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China,China's economic and financial center,the income of residents is the highest in China,but in recent years, the income gap between urban and rural areas, has a tendency to expand, this trend is bound to give the economic development of Shanghai adverse effects.With the acceleration of urbanization, Shanghai urban and rural boundaries have gradually fuzzy, but the difference between urban and rural areas is still there and because of the relationship between the development has, giving priority to the development of the downtown area has a perfect infrastructure and social security and suburbs is relatively backward, so that it is inevitable that the income gap between urban and rural residents.Therefore, this article focuses on changes in the income gap between urban and rural residents in Shanghai, select specific urban and rural residents in two representative of Shanghai to district for the study, explore the causes of the widening income gap, basic on the effects for income gap between urban and rural residents and find a solution to this problem on a factor.
    Key words: income gap;Lorenz curve;the integration of urban and rural areas
    一、引言 5
    (一)上海市城乡居民收入差距现状 13
    (二)X与Y区居民收入现状  13
    (三)X与Y区居民收入比较分析   15
    四、上海市X区与Y区居民收入差距形成的原因 17
    (三)改革措施和政策的影响 18
    (一)改革户籍制度,推进城乡一体化 20
    (三)建立健全农村社会保障系统 21
    751、结论 23
    致谢 24
    参考文献 25
    (一) 研究背景
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