    摘  要:人力资源开发是提高社会生产力的关键,本文以周口市农村人力资源开发为研究对象,在了解周口农村人力资源开发现状的基础上,探讨周口农村的人力资源开发,有利于全面提高周口农村的经济发展,缩小城乡差距,促进周口农村的城镇化进程。本文首先阐述了农村人力资源开发的理论背景,包括人力资源的相关概念,相关理论概述以及农村人力资源开发的意义。再次分析了周口市农村人力资源的现状,以及存在的问题和原因。最后,针对以上提出的问题提出了以下相应的对策和建议:加快农村城镇化步伐,促进农村劳动力转移;政府要加大投入力度,强化农村义务教育;大力发展农村职业教育,加强技能培训;建立人力资源市场,完善人力资源市场制度;推进户籍制度改革,促进农村人力资源合理有效流动。22150
    Zhoukou rural human resouces development study
    Abstract:Human resources development is the key to improve productivity. This article regard rural human resources development of Zhoukou city as the research object, on the basis of rural human resources development of Zhoukou at  present situation,discussed Zhoukou rural human resouces development, it’s contribute to improving rural economic development of Zhoukou, narrow the gap between urban and rural of Zhoukou, promote rural urbanization process.This paper first elaborated the theoretical background of the rural human resources development, including the related concept of human resources, an overview of relevant theory rural human resources development significance. Following,analysis of the current situation of rural human resources in Zhoukou city, and the existing problems and reasons. Finally, for the question above put forward the corresponding measures and suggestions: accelerate the space of the country urbanization; the government should increase the input dynamics and strengthen the compulsory education of the country; to develop the rural vocational education, strengthen the skill training; establish a human resources market, improve the system of human resource market; promote the reform of household registration system, promoting the rural manpower resources reasonable flow effectively.
    Key words: Zhoukou city; The rural human resources; Rural man resources development
    目    录

    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、人力资源开发的理论概述    2
    (一)人力资源的相关概念    2
    (二)人力资源开发的相关理论简述    3
    (三)农村人力资源开发的意义    4
    二、周口市农村人力资源的现状    5
    (一)周口市农村人力资源的数量特征    5
    (二)周口市农村人力资源的质量特征    6
    (三)周口市农村人力资源市场配置不完善    7
    三、周口市农村人力资源开发的主要问题和原因    7
    (一)周口市农村人力资源开发存在的问题    7
    (二)周口市人力资源开发问题形成的原因    9
    四、加强周口市农村人力资源开发的对策和建议    10
    (一)加快农村城镇化步伐,促进农村劳动力转移    10
    (二)政府要加大投入力度,强化农村义务教育    10
    (三)大力发展农村职业教育,加强技能培训    11
    (四)建立健全农村基本保障体系和初级卫生保健服务体系    11
    (五)建立人力资源市场,完善人力资源市场制度    12
     参考文献    13
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