    毕业论文关键词:延迟退休     就业       退休    渐进式
    Effect of extended retirement policies on employment and retirement groups
    Abstract: In recent years, With the aging of the population increase, delayed retirement policy has become the world most countries policy response, so delay retirement policy in the community and the academic aroused widespread discussion. Studies have found that there are alternatives between the old jobs and youth employment, represents delayed retirement age will affect the employment of young people, the fear of delay will increase the retirement policy was a lot of unemployment and implement national policies to delay retirement of people are opposed. There are studies that the basic pension for retired workers there was a clear incentive effect, so there is a widespread phenomenon of early retirement. Delayed retirement needs and consider the employment situation and pension, and consider the interests of different groups, and short- and long-term effects. This paper is to analyze the impact of delayed retirement policies on employment and retirement groups of population.
    Key Words: Delay retirement    Obtain employment     Retirement
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 研究背景和目的    1
    (二) 研究意义    2
    1、 现实意义    2
    2、 理论意义    3
    二、文献综述    3
    (一) 国外研究现状    3
    (二) 国内研究现状    4
    (三) 文献综述    4
    三、基础理论    4
    (一)马斯洛的需求层次理论    4
    (二)生命周期理论    4
    (三)相关法律规定    5
    四、延退政策对就业与退休群体的影响现状    6
    (一)延退政策对就业与退休群体的影响概况    6
    (二)延退政策现状    8
    五、相关文献分析    9
    (一) 分析方法    9
    (二) 分析对象    10
    (三) 相关文献分析结果    10
    七、结论    16
    致谢    18
    参考文献    19
    (一) 研究背景和目的
    (二) 研究意义
    1、 现实意义
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