     Taobao service station management and development in the countryside—based on beichencun of shijiazhuang
    Abstract:Alibaba group in 2014 began to consider the market of the countryside and come into the implementation of rural taobao project . After several years of development, rural taobao service station mainly experienced the evolution of the three models.This article will introduce these three models , make some simple analysis, and then we can understand the evolution of rural taobao service station and continuous optimization better.And this article is based on the taobao service station in beichencun of shijiazhuang,which is the capital of capital of hebei province.After realize the basic situation of the region and the development of taobao service stations in rural areas in the region ,I will explain its impact on operation and consumption situation of simple instructions. And the on the basis of investigation and analysis,we can understand the current service for residents in the region and the influence of the operation and development of the region's rural taobao service stations.At last,I can give some opinions and Suggestions.
    Key words: Rural taobao service station ;the development of mode;operation and consumption situation;Investigation and analysis
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    一、绪论    2
    (一)研究背景    2
    (二)研究方法    2
    (三)研究内容    3
    二、农村淘宝服务站的发展演变    3
    (一)模式演变    3
    (二)农村淘宝服务站发展的基本条件    4
    (三)农村淘宝服务站发展的优势和劣势    4
    三、农村淘宝服务站的发展对经营和消费的影响    5
    (一)对经营的影响    5
    (二)对消费的影响    5
    四、以石家庄市北村村为例    5
    (一)该地区的地理位置及基本概况    5
    (二)该地区农村淘宝服务站点的设立    5
    (三)该地区农村淘宝服务站设立的调查研究    6
        1、市场调查    6
        2、样本特征    6
        3、市场需求分析    6
        4、小结    10
    五、总结    10
    致谢    11
    参考文献    12
    附录:调查问卷    13
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