    Gradient changes of different road, Kunshan city extended the axis of comparative study
    Abstract: Landscape gradient on a different road, Kunshan extension axis is about urbanization effect on the rural landscape pattern and ecological processes in Kunshan city of one of the most important research methods. In remote sensing and GIS technologies and based on ArcGIS, comparative analysis of different road, Kunshan gradient changes and characteristics of extension on the shaft. 42nd respectively along the national highway, and along the provincial road in the direction of axis as the research object of urban expansion, No. 224, judging from the results, with the development of the urbanization process, national highway and provincial highway No. 224, 42nd, the urban landscape is the yearly increase or decrease; relative to the landscape along the provincial road No. 224, 42nd national highway landscape changes become more pronounced. Different levels of urbanization brings different changes of landscape pattern of urban expansion axis, areas affected the layout of the levels of urbanization, urban construction, innate natural conditions and other factors that affect the landscape of peak amplitude and gradient changes occur.
    Keywords: road extended shaft on landscape gradient; urbanization in Kunshan city
    目  录
    1引言    3
    2研究区域    4
    3研究方法    4
    3.1数据来源与处理    4
    3.2样带布设与窗口分析设计    5
    3.3不同景观参考系数的选择    5
    4结果与分析    5
    4.1不同城市扩展轴样带景观整体特征    6
    4.2不同道路扩展轴上的景观对比分析    6
    4.2.1 景观面积比例和样带斑块个数的分析    6
    4.2.2不同景观指数的分析    7
    5 结论与讨论    8
    参考文献    9
    附录    9    
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