



    Motivation analysis and Prospect of Sino Russian   strategic cooperative partnership construction


    After the end of the NPC and CPPCC at 2013, President Xi Jinping has made a successful visit to Russia. During the visit, The two countries have signed<Joint declaration of the people's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on win-win cooperation and deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation>.This also marks the relationship between the two countries once again towards a new level. The relationship between China and Russia is an important force in the international political pattern. After stepping into the21th century, China and Russia focus on the entire world to establish a "strategic cooperative partnership". This is a new type of national relationship. China and Russia as a world power, and at the same time as a permanent member of the United Nations, under the theme of peace and development, Sino Russian relations not only affect the development of the two countries themselves. At the same time, it also affects the development of the international political situation. China and Russia are the two big countries, the development of the relations between the two countries has also experienced a long historical process.

      This paper analyzes the process of building a strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries, and find out the motive of the development of the relations between the two countries. On this basis, combined with the current international situation, to determine the development prospects of bilateral relations between the two countries. This is not only able to promote China's foreign policy direction, to achieve the maximization of national interests also have some help, the current international situation development also has certain help.

      Key words: relationship between China and Russia;  strategic cooperation;   development motivation;  prospect

    目  录




    一 、中俄战略协作伙伴关系建构与发展的历程 1






    (二)促进两国关系发展的内在原因 -5

    三、中俄关系的前景展望 -6


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