


    Su Ningyi Purchase Network Marketing Present Situation and Development Countermeasure Research

    Abstract:The Internet is at an unprecedented rate across the traditional industries, in the Internet under the wave of surging, an enterprise network marketing skills, often can decide a the strength of the competitiveness of enterprises in the industry, or even the quality of enterprise network marketing skills determines the enterprise life and death. With the strong development of Internet shopping platform such as alibaba, jingdong, domestic companies in the business environment of virtual unprecedented business opportunities and profits, have launched their own network marketing. With generation based on the domestic e-commerce sites Su Ningyi purchase as the research object, on the current electronic commerce network marketing present situation and the strategy of enterprise to make analysis and summary, make Su Ningyi purchase to know itself in carry out the problems existing in the network marketing process, to recognize their own advantages and disadvantages, and put forward feasible Suggestions aimed at the existing problems, thus making Su Ningyi bought better able to carry out the network marketing, gain more market share.

    Key words: Suning E-commerce;The network marketing;development tactics

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、网络营销的理论概述 2

    (一)网络营销的产生与内涵 2

    (二)网络营销的特征 3

    (三)网络营销的优势 3

    二、苏宁易购的网络营销现状 4

    (一)苏宁易购的企业简介 5

    (二)苏宁易购网络营销SWOT分析 5

    三、苏宁易购网络营销过程中存在的问题 7

    (一)网上商城论坛不规范 7

    (二)网站设计不合理 7

    (三)目标市场定位不明确 7

    (四)线上线下业务相分离 8

    (五)网络诚信问题 8

    (六)网络支付安全问题 8

    四、苏宁易购网络营销存在问题的解决策略 8

    (一)规范网上商城论坛 8

    (二)加强企业网站建设 9

    (三)找准市场定位 9


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