


    The Evolution of Development of Domestic Logistics Insurance

    Abstract Logistics insurance is along with the produce and development of the logistics industry. It is the guarantee normal operation of logistics activities to the strong backing. The development of the logistics insurance is based on the good laws,regulations and market environment. The rapid development of modern logistics industry has brought the change of the logistics operation mode and provided a rare opportunity for the development of the logistics insurance market. This article tries to analysis some problems of the development process of logistics insurances and develop a few comprehensive logistics insurance products for some of the new market demand. It also tries to find a suitable development path for China’s national conditions, and gives full play to its logistics insurance to transfer risk, promote efficiency of the positive role. 

    Key Words: logistics insurance;  logistics risk;  development;  change course

     目  录




    一、引言 - 1 -

    (一)研究背景 - 1 -

    (二)研究目的及意义 - 1 -

    (三)研究思路及方法 - 2 -

    二、物流保险的相关理论基础 - 3 -

    (一)物流保险的概念 - 3 -

    (二)物流风险的类别及分析 - 4 -

    三、物流保险的发展与演变历程 - 5 -

    (一)物流保险的起源 - 5 -

    (二)物流保险的发展 - 6 -

    (三)物流保险的现状 - 7 -

    四、物流保险实例分析——以阳光财产保险公司和新邦物流公司货运保险纠纷案为例 - 9 -

    (一)案例概况 - 9 -

    (二)案例聚焦 - 9 -

    (三)案例解析 - 10 -

    (四)案例小结 - 10 -

    五、物流保险持续发展的对策和建议 - 11 -

    (一)加强宏观政策引导和法律法规的完善 - 11 -

    (二)加强保险产品的创新,确定合理险种 - 11 -

    (三)加强物流风险的信息化管理 - 12 -

    六、结语 - 13 -

    参考文献 - 14 -

    致谢 - 16 -

    一 引言



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