
    摘  要:随着我国市场经济的不断深化发展,财务报表分析的重要性日益得到广泛认可。通过拓展财务报表分析领域、深化财务报表分析内容、优化财务报表分析方法、完善财务报表分析体系,进行全面的财务报表分析,将有助于管理层作出正确的经营管理决策,提高企业的经营管理水平。本文首先介绍了财务报表分析的相关定义和内容,其次以白酒行业为例,进行行业分析,然后以今世缘酒业公司的财务报表为例来进行财务报表分析,最后对目前国内财务报表分析存在的局限性提出自己的看法和建议。55499

    毕业论文关键词: 财务报表, 比较分析 ,白酒行业 ,今世缘酒业

    Abstract: With the development of our market economy and continuous improvement, people become increasingly aware of the importance of financial statement analysis. Through the development of financial statement analysis field, deepening the analysis of financial statements content, improve the method of financial statement analysis, to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the financial statements, will help management to make the right management decisions, improve enterprise management level. This paper firstly introduces the definition and content of financial statements analysis, followed by the liquor industry analysis as an example, and then to the present Jiangsu King’s Luck Brewery Joint-stock company’s financial statements as an example to analyze its financial statements, and finally this paper put forward opinions and suggestions to the current limitations of domestic financial statement analysis.

    Keywords: Financial statements; Comparative analysis; Liquor industry; King’s Luck Brewery Joint-stock company

    目   录

    1  引言 3

    2  财务报表与财务报表分析概述 3

    2.1 财务报表的概念与内容 3

    2.2 财务报表分析的方法 3

    3  白酒行业分析及今世缘酒业公司简介 4

    3.1 白酒行业分析 4

    3.2 今世缘酒业公司简介 5

    4  今世缘酒业财务指标分析 6

    4.1 流动资产分析 6

    4.2 固定资产分析 7

    4.3 费用分析 7

    4.4 偿债能力分析 8

    4.5 营运能力分析 9

    4.6 盈利能力分析 9

    5  今世缘公司存在的问题 10

    6  关于今世缘酒业有限公司存在问题的建议 10

    结论 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14

    1  引言


    2  财务报表与财务报表分析概述

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