

    毕业论文关键词: 基础设施项目;PPP 模式;风险分担

    Risk Sharing Of Public-Private Partnerships In Infrastructure Projects Research

    Abstract:The article has consulted massive literature, firstly defined the basic concept of PPP financing mode and introduced the characteristics of projects, then contact to the basic theory of PPP financing mode. The article extended to the basic operation thinking of the PPP financing mode on actual practice system which based on the application background of PPP financing mode in the real practices. At the same time combined with SWOT analysis to discuss the necessity to use of the PPP model at China's infrastructure. Then focus on the PPP project financing risk sharing of four dimensions which including risk meaning and characteristics, identification of risk factors, the process of PPP financing risk management in particular infrastructure projects. Raise corresponding countermeasures and reasonable prevention measures through a series of methods including the principle of risk sharing, identification of risk sharing subject and risk indicators to sum up the mainly risk causes. Finally will give an empirical analysis after the theoretical analyses of sharing Infrastructure PPP project risk in the particular cases based on the above conclusion which including identification of risk factors ,risk standard management process and risk sharing principle. 

    Key words: infrastructure projects;Public-Private Partnerships;risk sharing.

    目   录

    1  前  言·····4





    1.3 国内外研究综述······5



    2 基础设施项目 PPP 模式及相关应用分析·8

    2.1 PPP 模式的内涵······8

    2.1.1 PPP 模式的定义··8

    2.1.2 PPP 融资模式的特点·····8

    2.1.3 PPP 模式相较传统模式的不同点·····9

    2.2 PPP 模式的基本模式及运作思路10

     2.2.1PPP 模式在实际运作中的基本组织模式····10

    2.2.2PPP 模式在实际运作中的基本思路··12

    2.3 PPP 模式在我国基础设施项目的应用分析·····12

    2.3.1 基础设施中引入 PPP 模式的 SWOT 分析·····12

    2.3.2 PPP模式引入基础设施建设的可行性与必要性··12

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