

    毕业论文关键词:佛教文化   矛盾    定位   发展

    Abstract: With the development of economy and the progress of the times, the tourism industry is walking on a more utilitarian way.. The Buddhism cultural tourism because of its profound historical culture of Buddhism and the unique religious architecture has become the new darling of the market of tourism scenery.However, the impact of the market let the Buddhist culture gradually lost the trend, the contradiction between the Buddhist doctrine and social values also let the development of the Buddhist culture encountered no small difficulties. This paper is to understand the situation of Buddhist Culture Tourism under the tide of commercialization.. Try to put forward the positioning of Buddhism for the development of Buddhism in this environment.. And the specific practice of this position to promote the more healthy development of the Buddhist culture, and promote the more healthy development of the tourism market of the Buddhist culture.

    Keywords:Buddhism culture Contradiction Location Development

    1 前言 4

    2 旅游业的发展与佛教文化的坚守 4

    2.1坚持保存佛教文化的精华 4

    2.2传播正确积极的佛教文化 6

    3 旅游业的发展与佛教文化的开发 7

    3.1以健康地发展佛教旅游市场为前提 7

    3.2以促进佛教自身的良好发展为目的 8

    结  论 10

    参考文献 11

    致  谢 12

    1  前言 


    2  旅游业的发展与佛教文化的坚守

    2.1  坚持保存佛教文化的精华


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