

    毕业论文关键词: 社交媒体;消费者行为;购买决策

    The Influence of Social Media on Consumers’ Purchase Decision

    Abstract:With the impetus of the all-round development of the Internet technology, social media has become a major communication channel in the 21st century and is closely related to the flow of information and public opinion. Therefore, produced by social media, connection with each other between people not only changes the social interactions between inpiduals, but also challenges the traditional communication mode between enterprises and consumers. While the main traditional mass media transmits the information created by enterprise itself, the social media makes consumers to have the right to share and access to a variety of social information which is out of the control of marketing managers. In the process of consumption, consumers get information from personal web, as well as the users' personal never know unfamiliar users access to information has been more and more attention. These large amounts of information sources and information channels reduced the visibility of the marketing information. As a result, it is the shift of marketing peoples thinking mode that is the initiative to make information control from companies to consumers.

    Key words:  social media; purchase decision; customer behaviors


    一、绪论 1

    (一)研究的背景和意义 1

    1、研究的背景 1

    2、研究意义 2

    (二)研究的方法 2

    (三)研究的主要内容 3

    二、文献综述 5

    (一)社交媒体相关理论研究梳理 5

    1、社交媒体的概念 5

    2、社交媒体的特征 5

    3、社交媒体的分类 6

    (二)网络消费者的行为理论梳理 7

    1、网络消费者行为模式 7

    2、网络消费者心理 7

    三、社交媒体对消费者购买决策影响的研究:问卷设计与数据收集 12

    (一)变量定义 12

    (二)问卷设计与前测 13

    1、问卷甄别部分 13

    2、问卷主体部分 13

    3、问卷前测 13


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