

    毕业论文关键词: HMO;商业医疗保险;借鉴;道德风险

    A Research On the Application of HMO in Commercial Health Insurance in China

    Abstract: Firstly, from the theoretical level, this paper introduces the basic concept of commercial medical insurance and points out the moral hazard phenomenon in commercial medical insurance. It is believed that through the reform of market mechanism, the management of medical insurance model can be established to avoid moral hazard, save medical expenses, and use medical resources efficiently so as to meet people's multilevel demand for medical security. Secondly, from the practical point of view, this paper studied the development of China's commercial medical insurance status and found that it has various deficiencies in the sound of China's medical security system. On the basis of detailed introduction of the mode, characteristics and positive results of the HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) in the United States, it is believed that China's commercial medical insurance can learn from the operation mode of HMO and combine with various forms of medical institutions to make medical insurance institutions and Medical service organization integration. Finally, through the feasibility analysis, this paper puts forward some measures that can be taken by the development of medical insurance in China.

    Key words: HMO; Commercial Medical Insurance; Application; Moral Hazard 

    目  录

    一、引言 1

    (一) 研究背景 1

    (二) 研究目的 1

    (三) 研究意义 2

     (四)  研究方法 2

    二、理论基础 3

    (一) 医疗保险概念 3

    (二) 商业医疗保险的概念 3

    (三) 商业医疗保险在我国社会医疗保险中的地位 3

    (四) 商业医疗保险中的三方关系 3

    (五) 商业医疗保险中道德风险现象 4

    1、 医疗服务市场中的道德风险 4

    2、 医疗保险市场的道德风险 4

    (六) 避免道德风险的措施 5

    1、 政府干预 5

    2、 市场机制改革 5

    (七) 健康管理型的商业医疗保险道路 5

    三、实践探讨 7

    (一) 我国商业医疗保险的发展现状 7

    1、 对基本医疗保险的补充作用日益明显

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