摘 要:随着移动设备的日渐便捷,无线wifi的随处覆盖,3G、4G网的飞速发展,网络、智能手机早已经成为现代人日常生活中不可或缺的部分,餐饮外卖APP行业迅速崛起。本文将以美团外卖APP为例,调研淮师学生对美团外卖APP的使用消费情况,分析高校学生对外卖APP的反响,通过因子分析法总结大学生消费者选择美团外卖APP的影响因素,从而提出针对性的美团外卖APP的营销策略,提升美团的竞争力,影响消费者的购买行为。67045
Abstract: Intelligent network, mobile phone has already been an indispensable part of the modern people in daily life with the increasingly convenient mobile devices ,the larger area coverage of wireless wifi and the rapid development of 3G,4G network .Also, the takeout food industry expanded rapidly. This paper will take meituan takeout APP as an example to analyse the reaction of high school according to researching the consumption of meituan takeout APP by the students of Huaiyin Normal University. Through factor analysis we can summarize the factor of why college students use meituan takeout APP. Thus we can put forward the marketing strategies about meituan takeout APP to enhance the competitiveness of meituan and influence the buying behavior of consumer.
Keywords:Meituan takeout APP, factor analysis, consumer, buying behavior
目 录
1 引言 7
2 APP的基本理论 7
3 美团外卖APP的基本概况 7
4 影响消费者使用美团外卖APP因素的实证研究 8
4.1 影响指标 8
4.2 问卷设计 9
4.3 数据收集 9
5 统计与分析 9
5.1 因子分析的可行性检验 9
5.2 公因子的提取及其命名 10
5.3 因子得分系数矩阵 13
6 美团外卖APP营销策略的建议 15
6.1 挖掘便捷性核心价值以提高服务水平 15
6.2 完善安全性系统来更多满足顾客需求 15
6.3 强化品牌形象提供精细化服务 16
6.4 提高外卖APP性价比提供质优价廉产品 16
6.5 优化软件性能以增强用户粘性 16
6.6 完善用户体验以提高用户忠诚度 16
结 论 18
致 谢 20
附录 21
1 引言