
    摘 要:随着市场经济的发展,商务往来的不断频繁。在和顾客的互相交往中,陌生拜访也越来越符合现代人追求方便快捷的消费习惯,加上成本低、效率高的特性,正逐渐成为一个重要的销售渠道和手段。对于发歌洗发水而言,通过提升品牌知名度来增加产品的市场竞争力已成为非常重要的任务。本论文以发歌洗发水陌生拜访为研究对象,拟分析其陌生拜访对品牌识别、对品牌回想、对品牌回忆的影响,采用调查问卷的方式,探究陌生拜访对发歌洗发水品牌知名度的影响,并提出发歌陌生拜访提高知名度中的不足以及完善的对策。通过本文的分析,将有助于提高发歌洗发水的品牌知名度,提高发歌陌生拜访的有效度,增强发歌的市场竞争力。68130


    Abstract: With the development of market economy, business contacts frequently. During the mutual interaction with the customers, cold—calling is more in line with the modern pursuit of convenient consumption habits. With the characteristics of low cost, high efficiency,it has gradually become an important sales channels and means. For the Farer shampoo, enhancing brand awareness to increase market competitiveness of products has become a very important task. This paper sees Farer shampoo as the research object. This paper analyzes cold—calling’s influences on the brand recognition, brand recall, brand memory. Using the questionnaire to explore the influence on the cold—calling visit to Farer shampoo’s brand. Through the analysis of this paper will help to improve the awareness of Farer shampoo. And  pointing out the shortcomings on cold—calling to enhance brand awareness. Improving the effective degree of cold—calling. And to enhance the market competitiveness of Farer.

    Keywords: Farer shampoo,cold—calling, brand awareness,countermeasures

    目  录

    1  引言 3

    2  理论基础 3

    2.1  陌生拜访的概念 3

    2.2  品牌知名度的概念 3

    3  发歌陌生拜访提高品牌知名度的措施 4

    3.1  品牌形象塑造 4

    3.2  营销推广方式 5

    4  发歌陌生拜访对品牌知名度影响的问卷分析 6

    4.1  问卷设计 6

    4.2  样本统计分析 6

    5  发歌陌生拜访提升品牌知名度存在的不足 8

    5.1  准备不充分 8

    5.2  心里素质不佳 8

    5.3  态度不够严谨 8

    6  完善发歌陌生拜访提高品牌知名度的对策 9

    6.1  注意拜访的细节 9

    6.2  提高心里素质 9

    6.3  端正个人心态 10

    结论 11

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13

    附录 14

    1  引言


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