
    摘  要本次毕业设计选题是“康尔馨家纺品牌营销传播策划案”,客户为淮安康尔馨织造有限公司,公司现址淮安市楚州区,江苏康尔馨织造有限公司自成立以来,一直致力于研发和制造高级纺织产品。凭借优质的产品和为客户创造价值的服务理念,康尔馨已实现平稳较快增长。69280







    The graduation design topic is "canasin textile brand marketing communication plan", the customer canasin Huaian Weaving Co., Ltd., company is located in Huaian City Chuzhou District, Jiangsu canasin Weaving Co., Ltd. since its inception, has been committed to the development and manufacture of advanced textile products. With high quality products and create value for the customer service concept, canasin has achieved steady and rapid growth. 

    But in recent years, due to the development of the market, the original pattern of market development has been unable to meet the current textile market demand, canasin to want to get better market development must change the original mode of marketing. 

    Our team to carry out textile market survey, for textile market situation, development trend and customer purchase behavior and competitive products were detailed research and analysis, collected a large number of first-hand and second-hand data, draw some conclusions. 

    According to the conclusion of the investigation and analysis of the market, we on the canasin home textile brand promotion made specific planning programs, including the determination of target market, public relations channel and brand image and positioning. With "the five-star hotel linen home" brand philosophy, formulate corresponding publicity strategy, ready for the canasin textile better promotion. 

    In terms of communication strategy and creative design, we put the channel strategy and public relations strategy as a priority, to advertising strategy as auxiliary, around the channels and PR strategies to carry out for the promotional activities, considering the characteristics of the canasin home textile brand image and textile products to, we decided to public relations activities as the main means of publicity, with the network advertising, through concrete implementation plan, improve the brand awareness and reputation of the canasin textile, improve product sales, promote health Erxin textile in the leading position in the second tier brands, and to the first-line brands step into. 

    Key words: Conl home textile   market research  brand marketing   brand promotion   brand communication  strategy 

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