    毕业论文关键词:高性能;PUA乳液 ;水性涂料;漆膜性能;UV固化
    Synthesis and Development of High-Performance Waterborne Wood Coatings
    Abstract: In response to the twenty-first century, High efficiency, energy saving, green and eco-friendly theme of the times, Waterborne UV-curing systems non-toxic, non-polluting, safety and non-irritating etc. come to the forien  many curing system, which is more active in the Research and development field. As ahydrophilic monomer is DMPA for This article, PCDL and N210 and TDI are mainly raw material, then gain different proportions of polyether type of PUA and polyester type of PUA. Test to emulsion for every performance. The emulsion was dried at room temperature then put them under UV irradiation to film curing.  Result show that both emulsions has good water resistance and high solid content. Beside hardness of polyether type of PUA is better than polyester type of PUA. While the emulsion stability and dispersed is not good ,and it happen to layer phenomenon in emulsions .this side need to be improved.
    Key Words: High Performance ; PUA  emulsion;; Water-based paint; Film properties; UV Curing
     目  录
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    前言    1
    1.2    水性紫外光固化树脂的分类    1
    1.3    水性 UV 固化树脂的发展历程    2
    1.4    水性聚氨酯丙烯酸概述    2
    1.5    水性聚氨酯/聚丙烯酸酯复合树脂的概述    2
    1.6    聚氨脂丙烯酸脂性能特点    3
    1.7    UV固化技术概述    3
    1.8    水性木器漆的发展现状    4
    1.9    论文的选题目的与意义    4
    1.10    论文的研究内容和目标    4
    2    实验部分    5
    2.1    实验原料    5
    2.2    实验使用仪器设备    6
    2.3    乳液制备工艺    7
    2.3.1    原料前期预处理    7
    2.3.2    实验装置图:    7
    2.3.3    实验设计流程    8
    2.4    紫外光固化试样的制备    11
    2.5    光引发剂    11
    2.6    性能测试与表征    12
    2.6.1    乳液外观    12
    2.6.2    固含量的测量    12
    2.6.3    乳液稳定性的测试    12
    2.6.4    粒径及粒径分布测试    12
    2.6.5    漆膜吸水率测试    12
    2.6.6    漆膜的耐水性测试    13
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