    摘要本文以缬氨酸和4-吡啶甲醛为原料,通过席夫碱和还原反应制备了N-(4-吡啶甲基)-L-缬氨酸乙酸钠(L-VA),并以L-VA为配体,锌为中心原子制备了相应的金属有机凝胶因子。该凝胶因子能够在水中自组装形成超分子凝胶,文中制备的两种超分子凝胶的临界凝胶浓度(MGC)分别为80gL-1和90gL-1,溶胶-凝胶转变温度分别为48±1℃和50±1℃。同时,该凝胶材料表现出可逆的不透明-透明相转变性质。此外,通过L-VA与1,12- 二氨基十二胺的缩合反应制备了十二亚甲基-1,12-双(N-(4-吡啶甲基)-L-缬氨酸)(LL-12VA),LL-12VA同样能够与锌离子配位形成超分子凝胶。以上工作有助于揭示超分子金属水凝胶自组装的特征和规律性,为进一步研究和开发刺激响应性超分子凝胶材料提高了基础。28876
    关键词   缬氨酸 超分子 金属水凝胶 配位
    Title    Preparation and characterization of the thermo-sensitive
    supramolecular gels
    In this paper, N- (4-pyridylmethyl) -L- valine sodium acetate (L-VA) were synthesized by Schiff base and reduction reaction in which L-valine and 4-pyridinecarboxaldehyde as materials. The metal organic gelator was prepared with L-VA as the ligand and zinc as the center atom. The gelator is capable of forming supramolecular gels by self-assembly in water, and the critical gelation concentration (CGC) of opaque ZAVA and ZNVA hydrogel was 80g L-1 and 90g L-1, respectively; and the gel-to-sol transition temperatures (Tgel) were 48±1℃and 50±1℃, respectively.The hydrogels were thermoreversible which displayed an unprecedented (opaque gel)-to-(transparent gel) transition. In addition, the twelve methylene -1,12- double (n - (4 - methyl pyridine) - L - valine) LL-12VA were synthesized by the condensation reaction of L-VA and 1,12-Dodecanediamine, and LL-12VA can also form supramolecular gels with the zinc ions. The work above can help to reveal the characteristics and regularity of supramolecular metal hydrogel self-assembly, and to improve the basic of the research and development of the stimulation responsive supramolecular gel materials.
    Keywords   L-Valine;  Supramolecular;  Metallogels;  Coordination.
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  超分子凝胶    1
    1.1.1  概述    1
    1.1.2  超分子凝胶的分类    2
    1.1.3  超分子凝胶的应用    3
    1.1.4  超分子凝胶的制备与表征    5
    1.2  超分子金属凝胶    6
    1.2.1  超分子金属凝胶的定义    6
    1.2.2  超分子金属凝胶的类型    6
    1.2.3  超分子金属凝胶的应用    7
    1.3  本文的目的与意义    9
    2  N-(4-吡啶甲基)-L-缬氨酸乙酸钠及其金属超分子凝胶的制备    10
    2.1  引 言    10
    2.2    实验部分    10
    2.2.1  实验药品    10
    2.2.2  表 征    11
    2.2.3  金属超分子水凝胶的制备    11
    2.3  结果与讨论    13
    2.3.1  红外光谱分析    13
    2.3.2  核磁共振波谱(1H-NMR)分析    14
    2.3.3  不透明-透明凝胶相转变    15
    2.3.4  其他氨基酸配体凝胶性能的探索    16
    2.4  小  结    17
    3  十二亚甲基-1,12-双(N-(4-吡啶甲基)-L-缬氨酸)及其金属超分子凝胶的制备    18
    3.1  引 言    18
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