    毕业论文关键字:卡鲁塞尔氧化沟   污水处理   脱氮除磷
    The 6000m3 / d sewage treatment project design of economic development zone
    Abstract: With the accelerated pace of industrialization, industrial discharges can conduct effective control, greatly affected the overall governance of the effect on the water environment, and therefore the problem of industrial wastewater treatment has been highly valued.In the "Water Pollution Prevention Plan of Action," the State Department recently issued expressly stated that the need to strengthen economic and technological development of pollution control and other industrial agglomeration area. The graduation project is for the wastewater treatment process within a certain Economic Development Engineering Machinery Factory 6000m3/d of design.Wastewater treatment machining industry has been plagued by an enable enterprises to environmental problems, the design features for sewage to be treated, according to the relevant design codes and standards, combined with the technical feasibility and economic benefits, to finalize selection Carrousel oxidation ditch process as this design processes.
    Keywords: Carrousel oxidation ditch     Nitrogen and phosphorus removal   Sewage Treatment
    第一章 污水处理站设计任务书和说明书    5
    1.1设计任务    5
    1.2设计资料    5
    1.2.1 工程现场条件    5
    1.2.2 设计参数    5
    1.3设计要求    6
    1.4设计说明书    6
    1.4.1设计需要使用的有关法规、标准、设计规范和资料    6
    1.4.2工艺流程比选    6
    1.4.3工艺流程    13
    第二章 污水设计参数计算    14
    2.1设计污水水量    14
    2.2污水处理程度计算    14
    2.2.1污水的CODCr处理程度计算    14
    2.2.2污水的BOD5计算    14
    2.2.3污水的氨氮处理程度计算    15
    2.2.4污水的总磷处理程度计算    15
    2.2.5污水的悬浮物处理程度计算    15
    第三章 主要构筑物设计计算    16
    3.1格栅    16
    3.1.2粗格栅设计计算    16
    3.1.3细格栅设计计算    18
    3.2提升泵站    21
    3.2.1泵站设计的原则:    21
    3.2.2泵房形式及工艺布置    21
    3.2.3泵房设计计算    22
    3.3调节池设计计算    23
    3.3.1调节池水面面积计算    23
    3.3.2调节池的有效容积计算    23
    3.3.3调节池的尺寸    23
    3.3.4调节池的搅拌器    23
    3.3.5调节池的提升泵    23
    3.4沉砂池的设计计算    24
    3.4.1曝气沉砂池    24
    3.4.2设计参数    24
    3.4.3曝气沉砂池的设计计算    24
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