
    After get the subject, a lot of literature retrieval, and so on the Aluminum Copper Co., Ltd. was for a period of two weeks of production practice, have a more in-depth understanding and awareness of the problem, the initial idea of the graduation design scheme. Decorated with yellow copper, is widely used in the market, with high requirements of wall decorations, the etchings are on the performance of yellow copper. According to the requirements of the design task book, on product smelting system, rolling system and force energy parameters calculation, design and equipment strength checking to complete the whole process requirements, to achieve the requirements of product delivery. Eventually according to the product use and performance set the copper grade products for H65, size of raw materials for 170 x 570 5100mm x x, finished size for 1.1. X 275 * 1700mm, delivery status is M.
    H65 copper was the main component of 65% copper, margin of aluminum. This H65 copper throughout the design process, roughly as:
    A.    The ratio of raw materials, smelting and casting. By heating smelting furnace of copper in water after holding furnace insulation and the analysis of the composition adjustment, into a horizontal type continuous casting machine casting, cast ingot.
    B.    Hot rolled coil, milling surface. Billets by stepping furnace out through the roller into the reversible hot rolling mill, 7 pass rolling, thickness of billets from 170mm to 14.5mm, after rolling through double milling, milling to under the oxide layer on the surface of the total 2mm
    C.    Cold rolling and middle annealing. Take type rolling method, namely decoiled copper billet into mill rolling, to the rules set by the system pressure after coiling, intermediate annealing improve copper billet plastic properties by means of bell type annealing furnace. After the cold rolling, copper billet can reach the size of the finished product, that is, 1.1mm.
    D.    Shear straightening and product quality detection. To confirm the product design requirements, to pack storage, waiting for delivery.
    The whole design of the product technical requirements can be summed up in one sentence: precise size of the plate, high surface finish and high performance.
    In the selection and design of the equipment used, mainly with reference to the Aluminum Copper Co., Ltd. is the production of the equipment, main production equipment and auxiliary equipment: five tons is core power frequency induction furnace, five tons of wire rod type semi continuous casting machine, saw cutting machine, reversible hot rolling machine, roll machine, double surface milling, four roller cold rolling mill, twelve roller mill, bell annealing furnace, horizontal shear machine, thick longitudinal shear machine etc..
    The rolling force energy parameters are calculated through the preparation of appropriate VB language, and use CAD to draw the workshop layout diagram, roll chart, making full use of computer in actual production advantages and application. And the frame, motor and auxiliary equipment capacity, etc., the main economic indicators of the workshop to calculate the whole design can be used in real production.
    This design mainly expounds the topic origin and the H65 copper production of technical requirements, making the smelting system and a reasonable product process is based on the Aluminum Copper Co., Ltd. existing production equipment and pipeline design, and the product production, formulation of system of production, force calculation parameters, equipment strength check, check the motor, auxiliary equipment capacity calculation and the workshop of major economic indicators of calculation and production workshop layout.
    Keywords: product design; H65 copper; process system; production equipment; intensity verification
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