    毕业论文关键词:   Ag@TiO2纳米线可控制备   核壳结构   光催化降解
    Study on preparation and photocatalytic properties of Ag-TiO2 nanowires
    Titanium dioxide nanoparticles which has no toxicity, low price and stable to light and a series of advantages are one of the most promising optical catalytic materials.Titanium dioxide photocatalytic technology can solve the problem of energy development and good environment of the current material.But the pure TiO2 has two problems as a good photocatalytic material: one is the low quantum efficiency of photocatalytic semiconductor carrier high recombination rate of titanium dioxide and lead the problem; the other is that the TiO2 catalyst of thesunutilization rate is low due to low quantum yield problems.In order to solve these bottleneck, we fabricated the Ag@TiO2 nanowires with core-shell structure .This not only can make the TiO2 structure with large length diameter ratio, but also the metal core can be used as a temporary storage place of photogenerated electrons.So it can reduce the recombination rate of photogenerated electron hole to improve the photocatalytic effect. Moreover, the Ag@TiO2 nanowires with different size ratio were obtained by changing the doping content of Ag or four butyl titanate content conditions. The photocatalytic properties of the samples was tested by the methylene blue photodegradation experiments. Furthmore, the effect of the catalytic properties of Ag@TiO2 nanowires on different sizes was studied to find the highest photocatalytic efficiency ratio of Ag@TiO2 nanowires.
     Key words:   Ag@TiO2 nanowires controlled synthesis   Core shell structure
             Photocatalytic degradation
    摘要:    1
    Abstract:    2
    第一章绪论    4
    1.1 引言    4
    1.2纳米光催化材料的综述    4
    1.2.1光催化材料的介绍    4
    1.2.2纳米材料的基本特性    5
    1.2.3纳米光催化材料    5
    1.3 纳米二氧化钛光催化剂的简介    6
    1.3.1 TiO2的结构特点    6
    1.3.2 纳米TiO2的合成方法    7
    1.4 TiO2光催化原理及等离激元效应    8
    1.5 影响TiO2光催化效率的因素    9
    1.5.1粒径对纳米TiO2光催化效率的影响    9
    1.5.2晶相对TiO2光催化效率的影响    9
    1.5.3影响TiO2光催化效率的其他因素    10
    1.6 TiO2核壳结构纳米材料的综述    10
    1.6.1核壳结构材料研究现状    10
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