    关键词  两亲性三嵌段聚合物,活性自由基聚合,自组装,胶束,静电纺丝,接触角,亲疏水性
    Title  Electrospun fibers of amphiphilic block copolymers and  its performance study
    In this paper, amphiphilic triblock copolymer of polystyrene -b- poly ( styrene / maleic anhydride )-b- polyacrylic acid (PSt-b-PSMA-b-PAA) was synthesized by the three -step reversible addition - fragmentation transfer (RAFT) polymerization with three thioester compound (BDATC) as transfer agent, the acid (St), maleic anhydride (Man), acrylic acid (AA) as monomers. Then we charactered the group characteristics of the polymer by IR and NMR . The amphiphilic polymer has a hydrophilic group PAA, and has a hydrophobic group PSt, PSMA has high activity and provides crosslinking sites for the subsequent crosslinking . Amphiphilic polymer having the characteristics of self-assembly in the selective solution. Its self- assembled micelles formed by the multiple effects such as concentration, solvent nature , pH , etc. on the morphology and particle size. As micelle concentration becomes large, the particle size of the micelle becomes larger ; in DMF , spherical micelles , the particle diameter is small ; THF in , rodlike micelles , a larger particle size ; the particle size also increases as the pH increases. The paper also use  electrospinning technique to prepared amphiphilic copolymers electrospun fibers with the amphiphilic polymer as raw materials. And we measured their surface wetting properties by contact angle ments. We also had a further study of the electrospun fibers’ hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties when its hydrophilic and hydrophobic block in the proportion, the nature of the treatment solution, pH or other conditions changed. Using ethylenediamine to a further crosslinking in order to make crosslinked fibers,and compared its nature with the non- crosslinked fibers. The study found the crosslinked fibers had a better performance of hydrophilic properties and alkali resistance.
    Keywords  Amphiphilic triblock polymer, Living radical polymerization, Self-assembly, Micelles, Electrospinning, The contact angle, Hydrophilic and hydrophobic
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  两亲性共聚物的合成与结构    1
    1.1.1 两亲性共聚物的结构    1
    1.1.2 两亲性共聚物的合成    2
    1.2  两亲性共聚物的自组装    3
    1.2.1 自组装的原理    3
    1.2.2 影响胶束形貌的因素    4
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