


    关键词 聚酰亚胺 碳黑 力学性能 热稳定性


    Title The preparation and properties of polyimide/carbon black composite films


    In this thesis,the polyamic acid was prepared by polycondensation reaction under the certain conditions: the 4,4'-diaminodiphenyl ether(ODA)was used as diamine monomer and the pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA) was used as dianhydride monomer.Then the polyamic acid was mixed with carbon black which had been treated with ultrasound.The polymide film was prepared after filming and thermal imidization.A series of experiments had been done to discuss the formation of polymide film and to test its tensile strength, water absorption, thermaostanility,light transmission rate and other related properties.

    The results showed that the tensile strength of the polyimide/carbon black films decreased when the content of carbon black increased , which could meet the requirements of most industry.Moreover ,the film performed well in watertightness that could be used as waterproof materials. In addition,the film could satisfy the requirement of shading in industrial manufacture.Even in high temperature,it still had good thermostability.

    Keywords  polyimide, carbon black, mechanical properties, thermal stability

    目  次

    1 引言 1

    1.1 聚酰亚胺简介 1

    1.2 聚酰亚胺的合成 1

    1.2.1 聚合过程中合成聚酰亚胺 2

    1.2.2 单体缩聚成聚酰亚胺 2

    1.3 聚酰亚胺的性能及应用 2

    1.3.1 聚酰亚胺的性能 2

    1.3.2 聚酰亚胺的应用 3

    1.4 聚酰亚胺的改性 4

    1.4.1 共聚型聚酰亚胺的合成改性 4

    1.4.2 聚酰亚胺共混复合改性 4

    1.4.3 聚酰亚胺主链改性 4

    1.4.4 聚酰亚胺侧链改性 4

    1.5 本课题研究内容及方案 5

    2 实验部分 7

    2.1 材料的制备 7

    2.1.1 仪器和药品的干燥 8

    2.1.2 聚酰胺酸(PAA)的合成 8

    2.1.3 聚酰胺酸与碳黑的混合 9

    2.1.4 涂膜 9

    2.1.5 去溶剂及热亚胺化制备薄膜 10

    2.1.6 脱膜与裁膜 10

    2.2 性能测试 10

    2.2.1 黏度测试 10

    2.2.2 红外光谱测试

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