


    The Research Progress of Rare Earth Doped Up-conversion Luminescence Materials

    Abstract: Rare earth doped up-conversionluminescence materials can realize the conversion of the frequency of light wave, and it is the main research direction of luminescent materials in nowadays. In this article, the nature characteristics of rare earth materials is introduced, the concepts of up-conversion luminescence are expounded, then the discovery and research progress of rare earth doped up-conversionluminescence materialsare simply introduced.The luminescence mechanisms of rare earth doping up-conversion luminescence materials are discussed, including the excited state absorption, energy transfer, and the photon avalanche process. Meanwhile, the preparation methods, principles and steps of rare earth doped up-conversionluminescence materialsare introduced in this paper, the classification and applications are summarized, and the existing problems and future research aims are discussed finally.

    Key Words: Up-conversion luminescence; Rare earth ions; Luminescence mechanism; Preparation method; Application

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    引  言 1

    1 稀土掺杂上转换发光机制 2

    1.1 激发态吸收(ESA) 3

    1.2 能量转移(ET) 3

    1.3 光子雪崩(PA) 4

    2 上转换发光材料的制备方法 5

    2.1 高温固相反应法 5

    2.2 软化学 5

    2.3 物理合成法 6

    3 上转换发光材料分类 7

    4 稀土上转换发光材料的应用 7

    4.1 免疫技术上的应用 7

    4.2 生物体内非侵害成像 8

    4.3 DNA检测方面的应用 8

    4.4 光动力治疗方面的应用 9

    4.5 太阳能电池方面的应用 9

    5 存在的问题与研究动向 9

    参考文献 10

    致  谢 12 



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