    关键词:钙基蒙脱土 钠基蒙脱土  柱撑  重金属离子
    Title  The preparation and modification of Na-montmorillonite and its ability to remove heavy metal ions
    Because of the three-dimensional layered structure of raw calcium-montmorillonite, the raw montmorillonite has the ability to adsorb the heavy metal ions. However, due to the narrow interlayer space and the small inner surface area of raw montmorillonite, the adsorption of heavy metal ions is not effective. The main purpose of this study is to kown how to increase interlayer space and inner surface area of raw montmorillonite, so that the montmorillonite will have a better ability to adsorb heavy metal ions. In our project, we convert the calcium-montmorillonite to sodium-montmorillonite. Then, we use the methods of sequential pillaring and ligand grafting to increase the interlayer space and the inner surface area of the montmorillonite. At last, we observe the surface morphology and interlayer space of the modified montmorillonite by XRD and FTIR.
    The adsorption of heavy metal ions should be tested, and then compare the results of raw montmorillonite with the modified montmorillonite, including the effects of different adsorption time on the adsorption results. We could test the content of heavy metal ions by UV spectrophotometer.We also should consider about the influence of the adsorption time.
    Keywords:calcium-montmorillonite  sodium-montmorillonite  pillaring    heavy metal ions
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 蒙脱石的概述    1
    1.2 柱撑蒙脱石概述    2
    1.3 蒙脱石的研究现状    4
    1.4 工业废水中重金属离子的来源及处理方法    4
    1.5 选题意义    5
    2 实验部分    7
    2.1 实验试剂与实验仪器    7
    2.2 钙基蒙脱石的钠化    7
    2.3 有机阳离子柱撑改性钠基蒙脱石    9
    2.4 钠基蒙脱石的金属阳离子配体嫁接    9
    2.5 蒙脱石对重金属离子的吸附实验    9
    2.6 测试方法    10
    3 产品结构表征及测试结果    11
    3.1 钠基蒙脱石吸蓝量的测定结果    11
    3.2 膨胀容测试结果    11
    3.3 X射线衍射测试结果    11
    3.4 傅里叶转换红外光谱测试结果    15
    3.5 Cu2+的吸附测试结果    16
    结 论    18
    致  谢    19
    参考文献    21
    1 绪论
    1.1 蒙脱石的概述
    蒙脱土是一种三维层状的含水硅铝酸盐矿物,本身是一种成分复杂的混合物,它的主要成分是蒙脱石。蒙脱石晶体的结构如图1-1所示。蒙脱石晶体是2∶1型的层状黏土矿物,其单位晶胞是两层Si-O四面体中间夹一层A1-O或Mg-O八面体形成的三维层状结构[1-2]。每层蒙脱石是由大量的硅氧四面体和硅氧八面体连成的近似六方环状网格片,其结构示意图如图1-2所示。在硅氧四面体中有少量的 Si4+被 A13+取代,在硅氧八面体中有少量的 Al3+被 Mg2+置换,因而蒙脱石的主要矿物元素有硅、氧、铝、镁等。蒙脱石矿物的两层Si-O四面体之间的区域叫做层间域,层间域的高度就是蒙脱石的层间高度,也就是层间距。蒙脱石的层间高度是可变的,由于天然蒙脱石层间吸附的阳离子的种类、比例以及所吸附的水分子的数量和存在形式的不同,会使蒙脱石的层间高度有所不同,但大都处于1.2nm-1.6nm 之间[3]。
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