

    毕业论文关键词:芘; 荧光传感器; Cu2+; 偶联反应


    In this paper, the design of the synthetic route two fluorescent probes, by introducing different groups to design and synthesis of two fluorescent probes. First of all, we have worked out the synthesis of a zinc porphyrin molecule to form a molecular clamp, by blocking electron transfer kinetics and action to achieve the effect of detection of metal ions. But this porphyrin synthesis route is relatively complex, and higher raw material Value unsuitable basic research in our laboratory. Then, we introduced a pyrene group to replace, pyrene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon containing four benzene ring structure, and may form a dimer fluorescence excitation, enriched electron cloud structure, eventually we “Suzuki coupling reaction” and “Sonogashira coupling reaction” to design two synthetic routes to synthesize a fluorescent probe that contain pyrene. And such fluorescent probes have a prominent role in the detection of heavy metal ions Cu2+ and so on.

    Keyword: Pyrene; Fluorescent Sensors; Copper (II); Design and synthesis 

     目    录

    摘    要 2


    1 .绪论 5

       1.1 背景 5

       1.2 荧光探针的作用机理 5

           1 2.1 光诱导电子转移 5

           1.2.2 荧光共振能量转移 5

           1.2.3 分子内电荷转移 5

       1.3 荧光探针的分类 6

       1.4 传统荧光探针的结构 8

       1.5 选题的目的与意义 8

    2.含芘荧光探针的合成 9

       2.1  实验试剂 9

       2.2  实验仪器 9

       2.3  合成过程 10

           2 3.1 化合物1的合成 10

           2.3.2 化合物2的合成 11

           2.3.3 化合物3的合成 11

           2.3.4 化合物4的合成 11

           2.3.5 Suzuki合成加芘 11

           2.3.6 Sonogashira合成加芘 12

       2.5结果与讨论 13

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