


    Study on Preparation and properties of aromatic leather antibacterial agent

    Abstract: This topic research from the single factor experiment, and then carries on the compound experiment, on the basis of the formula, the test of a variety of oil and emulsifier compound effect. Through the naked eye observation system is stable and uniform emulsion effect, and combined with the steady flow test system rheological data, to establish the optimal formula. In the optimized formula based, adding antibacterial effects of essential oil components and repeated attempts to the overall impact of the different kinds of essential oils and essential oils of different proportion of antimicrobial agents. Finally, the antibacterial effect of antibacterial agent was detected by the method of inhibition zone. The results show that when the emulsifier selection brij721 and Brij72 combination, emulsifying properties of the most excellent, and through the steady flow test, finally established the formula rheological curve and city sale samples close to; add the same proportion of essential oil, thyme oil is larger than Litsea cubeba oil and oregano essential oil of bacteriostatic ring. Therefore, selecting thyme essential oil. When the thyme oil content is 5%, the inhibition zone size measurement in the proportion of selection of essential oils (1%, 3%, 5%) is the highest. But the addition amount of 5% antimicrobial agents is not stable, the parallel group will appear the size of the inhibition zone is not stable. Comprehensive consideration, thyme oil selected 3% optimal amount ratio.   

    Key Words: aromatic; leather antibacterial; antibacterial effect; essential oil

    1绪论 1

    1.1前言 1

    1.2皮革中常见菌的分类 1

    1.3抗菌剂的分类 1

    1.3.1无机抗菌剂 1

    1.4芳香皮革抗菌剂研究的必要性 2

    1.5芳香皮革抗菌剂的制备 3

    1.5.1芳香抗菌精油的选择 3

    1.5.2芳香抗菌剂中基础配方的确定 4

    1.5.3芳香抗菌剂中精油比例的确定 4

    1.5.4芳香抗菌剂的合成工艺 4

    1.6本课题的研究意义 4

    2.1 实验材料 6

    2.1.1 实验材料和试剂 6

    2.1.2 主要仪器和设备 6


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