


    毕业论文关键词    爆破地震效应   峰值振速   地震波  


    Title               Explosion Seismic Effect                 

    Abstract Explosives exploded, instantaneous release of large amounts of energy. A small part of the energy converted into seismic wave, the vibration of the surrounding medium and transmitted to the surface particle, resulting in surface vibration. This phenomenon is called blasting ground motion (or blasting vibration). The blast zone within a certain range, blasting vibration intensity reaches a certain intensity, will be on the ground, ground buildings, works, etc. will cause a certain degree of damage. The blasting vibration caused by the series of phenomena and their consequences, is called blasting seismic effect.

    This article systematically analyzes the status quo of blasting seismic effect influencing factors. Check the actual blasting blasting seismograph record the data related to the blasting seismic effect. , Explosive seismic wave peak vibration velocity, compared with the theoretical value, based on the results of the effectiveness of existing monitoring methods for practical engineering. The article also describes the knowledge of the seismic waves, and compare the similarities and differences of the natural seismic waves and seismic wave.

    Keywords   Blasting seismic effect    Peak vibration velocity  Seismic waves  

    1  引言 1

    1.1 问题的提出及研究意义 1

    1.2 地震波 1

    1.3 天然地震波与爆破地震波 5

    1.4爆破地震效应 7

    1.5  国内外研究现状和存在的问题 12

    1.6  试验中振动监测仪介绍 14

    2 试验研究的方法 17

    3 实验及数据记录与分析 17

    3.1 实验准备 17

    3.2 测定及数据记录 21

    结   论 26

    致  谢 27

    参考文献 28

    1  引言

    1.1 问题的提出及研究意义


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