


    毕业论文关键词  木垛  燃烧  热通量  火焰温度  燃烧速率


    Title    Experimental Study on the heat flux of Wood Cribs fire


    Wood crib fire has been considered as an ideal experimental fire source. This study designed 11 kinds of wood cribs with different structures. Those cribs were ignited in specific experimental devices, which contains water cooled heat flux sensor, flaky heat flux sensors, 6 thermocouples and An electronic balance. Heat flux, flame temperature of the flame and the wood crib consumption rate were measured in the experiments.

    The experimental results show that: 30 cm from the center of the flame, Gardon heat flux meter measured heat flux in the 6-17 kW/m2, 70 cm from the center of the flame, flaky heat flux meter measured heat flux in the 0.3-0.8 kW/m2; 2 only heat flux meter measured the heat flux on the numerical approximation conforms to the law of thermal radiation, namely the direct ratio with distance. The highest temperature of the tested wood crib fire was about 800 ℃.The flame temperature was increased with the rise of the mass of wood cribs. However, there is no apparent relation among the heat flux, wood crib weight and the flame temperature.

    Keywords  Wood crib  burning  heat flux  flame temperature  burning rate

     1  引言 1

    1.1  有关木垛火的研究概况 1

    1.2  有关热通量的描述 2

    1.3  本课题研究内容 4

    2  火灾中热通量及温度的测量 4

    2.1  热通量测量原理 4

    2.2  热通量传感器分类 4

    2.3  热电偶测温的基本原理和结构 8

    2.4  热电偶的种类 9

    3  木垛火的实验研究 11

    3.1  实验装置设计 11

    3.2  实验木垛准备 12

    4  实验结果 13

    4.1  木垛燃烧现象 13

    4.2  木垛火焰温度 14

    4.3  木垛火焰热通量 15

    4.3  木垛质量燃烧速率 21

    结  论 22

    致  谢 23

    参考文献 24 

    1  引言

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