


    毕业论文关键词  纳米光纤微探针  化学腐蚀法  透过率  激光光束分析测试


    Title   The study of optical fiber nanoprobe production and transmission performance microprobe                                                                        

    Abstract Optical fiber nanoprobe being an important part of SNOM, can not only be made into miniaturized sensors that have a great deal of functions, but also can be used to examine the sample with high sensitivity and resolutions in combination with general spectrograph.

    The graduation project evaluated the nano fiber microprobe quality , the final choice of using chemical etching method for the preparation of nano- optical microprobe , and carried out a chemical etching method produced nano- fiber microprobe experimental conditions to explore . Choose a more appropriate preparation of nano- fiber micro- probe scheme, and produced a preparation of nano fiber microprobe experimental apparatus . In addition , the use of laser power and laser beam analyzer nano fiber optical micro- probe laser beam transmittance testing and analytical testing , and get the value and power of the laser beam spot image .

    Keywords  Optical fiber nanoprobe  Chemical etching  Transmittance  Laser beam analysis test

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  纳米光纤微探针在近场光学扫描显微镜中的应用 1

    1.2  纳米光纤微探针的其他应用 1

    1.2.1  国外研究进展 1

    1.2.2  国内研究进展 3

    1.3  选题的意义及内容 3

    2  纳米光纤微探针的制作方法 5

    2.1 纳米光纤微探针的评价标准 5

    2.2  纳米光纤微探针的制备方法选择 5

    2.2.1  拉伸法 5

    2.2.2  化学腐蚀法 6

    3纳米光纤微探针制备与表征 7

    3.1  化学腐蚀法实验原理 7

    3.2  化学腐蚀法制备纳米光纤微探针的实验装置 7

    3.3  化学腐蚀法的实验过程 8

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