







    Abstract With such an important military base of the deep combat readiness fortifications and a variety of enhanced armor protection tanks, military strategic targets on Earth Penetrator and kinetic energy penetrators penetration requirements also will continue to improve, because this type of ammunition in the actual attack use process will encounter a variety of different environmental conditions, some quite harsh and complicated, which requires ammunition at high acceleration overload conditions with high reliability.

    Which mainly depends on the reliability of munitions Pyrotechnics reliability is improved EED at high accelerations reliability overload environment has become a hot topic in recent years, military science research. In this paper, slapper detonators for the study, the use of air guns its high overload test, and had hit Numerical simulation, the effect of different materials under slapper detonators anti-overload.

    Slapper detonator as a semiconductor bridge detonator, which combines the exploding foil slapper initiation technology, and in recent years by a lot of attention and development, the paper briefly describes the role slapper detonators principles and structures, as well as in ansys/ls-dyna software simulation methods.

    And the article also describes the current home and abroad Pyrotechnics high overload experimental research methods, including Machete hammering test methods, falling ball impact test methods, impact pendulum test methods, Hopkinson bar stress wave loading test technology, air gun loaded , etc. to simulate the impact of high overload environment.

    Finally, the finite element numerical simulation software ansys / ls-dyna slapper detonators simulated air cannon overload test, obtained under the different materials and different speeds of data overload.

    Key Word: Slapper detonator; high overload; air gun; ansys / ls-dyna; numerical simulation

    1  引言 4

    1.1  本论文研究意义 5

    2  冲击片雷管 5

    2.1  冲击片雷管简介 5

    2.2  冲击片雷管作用原理 6

    2.3  爆炸箔起爆系统研究现状

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