
    摘要因钛酸纳米管(TNTs)管壁带负电,比表面积较大,对水中的阳离子污染物(如Pb2+)有很强的吸附能力,故可被用作吸附去除水中阳离子污染物的吸附材料。为方便吸附饱和后的钛酸纳米管从水中分离,拟利用磁性介质修饰钛酸纳米管制成磁性钛酸纳米管(MTNTs),通过外部磁场分离吸附剂。本课题以二氧化钛 (P25)、硝酸钴、硝酸铁为原料,利用水热法制备出MTNTs。运用XRD、TEM、BET、VSM等手段对材料进行表征;并以铅(Pb2+)为目标污染物,对影响磁性钛酸纳米管吸附作用的因素进行了研究。 XRD和TEM分析表明:铁酸钴(CoFe2O4)顺利的生成并植入了钛纳米管的缠结网络。铁酸钴的存在使MTNTs可以很容易地被外部磁场分离。批量吸附实验表明:MTNTs具有良好的吸附动力性能;且MTNTs在pH值较高,Pb2+浓度较低时具有很强的吸附能力;常见的阳离子,如Na+ K+ Mg2+ Ca2+,对于Pb2+的吸附没有明显影响;MTNTs吸附Pb2+的过程为吸热过程,并符合Langmuir 吸附模型。64147

    毕业论文关键词 磁性材料  钛酸纳米管  吸附  含铅废水


    Title  Synthesis of magnetic titanate nanotubes and its adsorption of lead in water

    Abstract As the titanate nanotube (TNTs) with a negative charged wall has a large specific surface area and high adsorption capacity for cationic contaminants in the water (e.g., Pb2+) having this feature, it can be used as an adsorbent for water cationic contaminants adsorption. In order to separate the material from the water after saturated adsorption easily, we intends to use the magnetic material modify titanium nanotube, so it can be separated by the external magnetic field. In this study, we use titanium dioxide (P25), cobalt nitrate and iron nitrate as raw materials synthesis magnetic titanate nanotubes (MTNTs) by hydrothermal method. The MTNTs were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), TEM, BET, VSM. Lead has been chosen as the objective pollutant to study the factors that affect the adsorption of the MTNTs. XRD and TEM analysis showed that, CoFe2O4 forms pretty fine, and implanted entangled carbon nanotube networks. In the presence of cobalt ferrite, MTNTs can be easily separated from the external magnetic field. Batch adsorption the experiments showed good adsorption dynamic performance of MTNTs. At high pH values and low Pb2+ concentration, MTNTs have a strong adsorption ability; common cations, such as Na+ K+ Mg2+ Ca2+, have no significant effect for the adsorption of Pb2+; the adsorption process for MTNTs to Pb2+ is an endothermic process, and consistent with the Langmuir model.

    Keywords  Magnetic material; Titanate nanotubes; Adsorption; Wastewater containing lead


    1绪论 1

    1.1 TiO2纳米管 1

    1.1.1 TiO2纳米管的发展 1

    1.1.2 TiO2纳米管的应用 1

    1.1.3 TiO2纳米管的制备 2

    1.2 磁性钛酸纳米管 4

    1.2.1 磁性材料的分类及应用 4

    1.2.2 磁性钛酸纳米管的制备 4

    1.3目标污染物简介 5

    1.3.1 水体铅污染现状 5

    1.3.2 主要含铅废水处理工艺 6

    1.4 课题的提出及研究内容 7

    2 实验 9

    2.1 实验材料 9

    2.1.1 实验试剂 9

    2.1.2  实验仪器设备

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