

    毕业论文关键词  推进剂  POLYFLOW 安全


    Title    Kneading process in the production of propellant   Material rheological numerical simulation                                                  

    Abstract Propellant slurry contains some inflammable and explosive of chemical material, so strong impact and high temperature could lead to equipment failure, explosion accidents, resulting in huge economic losses and casualties. Due to the variability and complexity of mix slurry propellant, there is not great achievement in this study. Therefore, it has great practical significance and practical value for safety in production that study the kneading process of propellant slurry.In this paper, the melt flow state of the single screw channel of non-isothermal simulation was analyzed. The finite element software, POLYFLOW, was used to simulate the melt flow state. Differential pressure and single screw speed of revolution on the influence of parameters such as pressure, temperature and shear rate of the melt in the flow fields were studied. The dangerous situation in the kneading process of propellant slurry was analyzed. 

    Keywords  Propellant  POLYFLOW  safety

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题背景和意义 1

    1.2  混合设备与推进剂流变特性 2

    1.3  固体推进剂混合设备与工艺研究进展 3

    2  POLYFLOW简介及分析过程 4

    2.1  模拟分析软件的选用 4

    2.2  POLYFLOW简介 5

    2.3  软件的分析过程 6

    2.4  小结 7

    3  流道有限元模型的建立 7

    3.1  前处理软件GAMBIT介绍 8

    3.2  基本假设 8

    3.3  控制方程 9

    3.4  本构方程 9

    3.5  物料参数 10

    3.6  物理模型 10

    3.7  有限元模型 10

    3.8  小结 12

    4  单螺杆挤出机流道数值模拟 12

    4.1  单螺杆挤出机 12

    4.2  流场计算结果处理和分析 12

    4.3  不同参数对流场的的影响 15

    4.4  小结 18

    结  论

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