

    毕业论文关键词:二氧化钛,凹土,中空纤维膜,相转化法 ,烧结

    ABSTRACT: Hollow fiber ceramic membrane can effectively improve the loading area of the ceramic membrane, the asymmetric structure of the hollow fiber ceramic membrane as a one-step forming, compared with multi-channel and asymmetric ceramic membrane preparation technology is simple and low production cost. Therefore, this article adopts the titanium dioxide sol-coating nanometer attapulgite as membrane material. TiO2 –attapulgite hollow fiber ceramic microfiltration membrane were prepared by a combined phase-inversion and sintering method. Effects of air gap, extrusion rate of polymer dope, bore fluid rate, coagulation bath temperature, and the sintering temperature on the structure and performance of the resulting membranes were studied extensively., The results show that the air gap, the greater the benefit mutual transformation between solvent and non solvent water, make pore size increased and the pure water flux increase. As bore fluid flow rate increase, pore size and pure water flux decrease.. The pure water flux decreased with increasing of driving pressure casting solution.  With the increase of coagulation bath temperature, the pure water flux decrease. The mechanical strength of  attapulgite hollow fiber microfiltration membrane increased with the sintering temperature obviously. 

    Keywords: titanium dioxide, attapulgite, hollow fiber membrane, phase inversion method,  sintering


    1  前言 1

    1.1  中空纤维膜研究进展 1

    1.2  中空纤维陶瓷膜的制备方法 2

    1.3  中空纤维膜的表征 4

    1.4  本文研究目的和内容 5

    2  实验部分 5

    2.1  实验原料和仪器 5

    2.2  实验方法 6

    2.3  膜结构、形貌和晶型的表征 7

    3  结果与讨论 8

    3.1  空气间隙对膜结构和性能的影响 9

    3.2  内芯液流速对膜结构和性能的影响 10

    3.3  驱动压力对膜结构和性能的影响 11

    3.4  外凝固浴的温度对膜结构和性能的影响 12

    3.5  不同烧结温度对膜结构和性能的影响 14

    结论 19

    致谢 23

    1  前言


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