
    摘要: 开环易位聚合是一种含有聚合物相对分子质量分布比较狭隘,聚合物边上基团、构成、构造和相对分子质量都能够调节的优点的非自由基聚合方法。同时,开环易位聚合和其它活性聚合方法互相辅佐来合成官能化大分子的领域也会引起越来越多的注意力。基于开环易位聚合的种种优势,其已经成为合成高分子材料的重要聚合方法之一,而在原料的选取上,本论文选用了与当代环保理念吻合的多面体低聚倍半硅氧烷(POSS),其作为一种有机一无机杂化的纳米材料,由于优异的物理化学性能,这几十年以来收到科学界和工业界的广泛注意力,在很多方面都表现出了巨大的实际应用前途。本论文用POSS和双烯烃作为原料,进行反应得到含硅类单体,使其可用于开环易位聚合的研究。首先采用呋喃和马来酸酐作为反应物合成原材料,然后制备后续反应所需的2-氨基乙醇,3-氨基丙醇和6-氨基己醇3种不同碳的7-氧杂降冰片烯双丙烯酸衍生物。进而由合成的双烯烃和含硅类化合物反应得到最终产物,完成可用于开环易位聚合的含硅类单体的合成研究。68767

    毕业论文关键词: 开环易位聚合;POSS;双烯烃;笼型低聚倍半硅氧烷

    Synthesis of monomers containing POSS silicon for Ring-opening metathesis polymerization     

    Abstract: ROMP is a non-free radical polymerization method which contains the advantages that the polymer has relatively narrow molecular weight distribution, and the advantages of the groups, composition, structure and relative molecular mass of the polymer can be adjusted. At the same time, ROMP and other active polymerization methods complement each other to synthesize functionalized macromolecules in the field will also attract more and more attention.Based on the advantages of ROMP, it has become one of the important polymerization methods of synthetic polymer materials. In the selection of raw materials, this paper has chosen polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) which is consistent with the contemporary environmental protection concept.As a kind of organic-inorganic hybrid nanomaterials, polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) has attracted much attention from the scientific community and industry in recent decades because of its excellent physical and chemical properties out of a huge application prospects.In this paper, POSS and mono-olefins are used as starting materials to obtain silicon-containing monomers, which can be used for the study of ring-opening shift polymerization.First,furan and maleic anhydride are used as raw materials for the synthesis of reactants.And then preparing the 7-oxa norbornene monoacrylic acid derivative of 3 different carbons of 2-aminoethanol,3-aminopropanol and 6-aminobutanol required for the subsequent reaction.And the synthesis of mono-olefins and silicon-containing compounds to obtain the final product,can be used for open-loop shift polymerization of silicon-containing monomer synthesis research.

    Keywords: Ring-opening metathesis polymerization; POSS;Mono olefin; Cage type oligomeric silsesquioxane

    目  录

    1. 前言1

    1.1 课题选择的背景和意义1

    1.2 开环易位聚合的发现2

    1.3 聚合机理2

    1.4 降冰片烯及其衍生物的概述4

    1.4.1 降冰片烯的概述4

    1.4.2 降冰片烯类衍生物的概述5

    1.4.3 降冰片烯及降冰片烯类衍生物的聚合物和共聚物的概述5

    1.5 开环易位聚合(ROMP)催化剂的发展6

    1.6 开环易位聚合应用研究7

    1.6.1 遥爪聚合物7

    1.6.2 嵌段共聚物7

    1.6.3 接枝共聚物7

    1.6.4 液晶聚合物8

    1.7 笼形倍半硅氧烷(POSS)8

    1.7.1 概述8

    1.7.2 POSS的结构9

    1.7.3 倍半硅氧烷的性能 9

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