
    摘要为研究 2016 年江苏省春节期间大气污染物的质量浓度变化规律和空气质量 AQI 情况,借助手机 APP(蔚蓝地图和空气质量)软件收集了 34 监测点春节期 间(2016-02-01——2016-02-25)的大气污染物 PM2.5    、PM10、O3、SO2、NO2

    的小时浓度值以及相应的气象资料(昼夜气温、风速和风向)。借助 Excel 2010、 ArcGIS10.1  软件对监测数据资料统计,分析江苏省春节期间大气污染物随时间

    (时、日、周、月)总体的时空变化特征并其影响因素。结果表明,春节期间空 气质量 AQI 值在 40 到 200 之间,2 月 4 日、2 月 5 日和 2 月 8 日的空气污染级 别达到中度污染,其它时段空气质量介于轻度污染和优之间。大气污染物 PM10 和 PM2.5 浓度变化在 50ug/m3 到 300ug/m3,超出二级污染限值,PM2.5、PM10 是 主要大气污染物。其他大气污染物 O3、SO2、NO2 浓度变化在 100ug/m3 以下, 符合二级污染限值。空间上春节期间燃放烟花爆竹对于苏北地区影响最大,苏中、 苏南地区的污染情况相差不大。69075

    该论文有图 10 幅,表 6 个,参考文献 13 篇。

    毕业论文关键词:大气污染物 春节 时空变化特征 江苏省

    The Main Atmospheric Pollutant Characteristics of Time and Space in Jiangsu Province during the Spring Festival in 2016


    In order to research air quality change rule and the quality of the atmospheric pollutants concentration AQI situation during the Spring Festival (2016-02-01-2016-02-25) in Jiangsu Province in 2016, I collected 34 monitoring stations of the atmospheric pollutants (PM2.5, PM10, O3, SO2, NO2) hours density and corresponding meteorological data (day and night temperature, wind speed and wind direction )with the help of a mobile phone APP (blue map and air quality) software. By using Excel 2010, ArcGIS10.1 software , I analyzed the overall temporal variation characteristics of atmospheric pollutants and its influencing factors. Results show that AQI value is  between  40  and  200  beyond the secondary pollution limits.   The

    level of air pollution is moderately polluted time on February 4, on February 5, and on February 8. PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations change from 50 ug/m3 to 300 ug/m3.PM2.5 and PM10 are the main atmospheric pollutants. Other atmospheric pollutants O3, SO2, NO2  concentration change under 100 ug/m3  which conform to the

    secondary pollution limits. On space, fireworks are biggest influence  in  north Jiangsu, middle and south Jiangsu pollution situation difference is small.

    Key Words: Atmospheric pollutants The Spring Festival Temporal variation characteristics    Jiangsu province


    Abstract II


    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    1 绪论 1

    2 材料与方法 1

    2.1 观测站点 1

    2.2 监测点观测方法 2

    2.3 大气数据的采集与处理 2

    2.3.1 大气数据的采集 2

    2.3.2 大气数据的处理 2

    3 结果与分析 3

    3.1 AQI 小时变化、日平均值变化、周平均值变化特征

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