    摘要:选择五种历史悠久不同品牌、不同香型的中国白酒,进行香气成分研究。利用顶空固相微萃取GC-MS技术分析酒中所含香化合物及用电子舌对白酒进行的风分析。实验鉴定出八十751种芳香化合物,包括5种酸,34种酯,10种醇,9种醛,4种酮,4种酚,和10种含氮含硫化合物。结果表明,五种白酒中含量较高物质包括乙酸己酯,乙基,3 - 甲基戊酸乙酯,乙基庚酸乙酯,己酸丁酯,辛酸乙酯,己酸己基,3 - 甲基-1 - 丁醇,1 - 己醇,糠醛,2,6 - 二(1,1 - 二甲基乙基)-4 - 甲基苯酚,二甲基三硫,三甲基吡嗪。最后利用多元统计数据分析技术(主成分分析(PCA)和判别因子分析(DFA))分析实验数据的结构和五种白酒中的显着差异。4262
    关键词:中国白酒香气成分 GC-MC 电子舌 PCA、DFA 4262
    Different brands of liquor flavor characteristics
    Abstract: Aroma composition of five Chinese premium famous liquors with different trademarks and from different liquor flavor types, which has been highly treasured and passed by generations, was investigated. Headspace Solid-Phase Micro-Extraction coupled with GC-MS was applied for the extraction of aroma compounds. Flash gas chromatographic electronic nose system was applied to distinguish five different liquors. Eighty-six aroma compounds were identified ,including 5 acids, 34 esters, 10 alcohols, 9 aldehydes, 4 ketones, 4 phenols, and 10 N-containing, S-containing compounds. The results showed that the compounds potentially most important to the Chinese Liquors included hexyl acetate, ethyl, 3-methyl pentanoate, ethyl heptanoate, butyl hexanoate、ethyl octanoate, hexyl hexanoate, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 1-hexanol, hexanoic acid, aldehyde, furfural, 2,6-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol, dimethyl trisulfied, trimethyl pyrazine. Multivariate statistical data analysis techniques (Principal component analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA)) showed the structure of the experimental data and the significant differences for each compound in the different wines.

    Key words: Chinese Liquors; aroma compounds; GC-MS; Electronic nose; PCA DFA
    1前言    1
    1.1白酒香型的由来及现状    1
    1.2.1 浓香型白酒的风特征    1
    1.2.2 清香型白酒的风特征    2
    1.2.3 酱香型白酒的风特征    2
    1.2.4 米香型白酒的风特征    2
    1.2.5 凤香型白酒的风特征    2
    1.2.6 特香型白酒的风特征    2
    1.2.7 芝麻香型白酒的风特征    3
    1.2.8 豉香型白酒的风特征    3
    1.2.9 兼香型白酒的风特征    3
    1.2.10 董香型白酒的风特征    3
    1.2.11 老白干香型白酒的风特征    3
    1.2.12 馥郁香型白酒的风特征    4
    1.3白酒香型及风特征的发展趋势    4
    1.4 白酒的分析处理方式    5
    1.4.1 气质联用仪技术    5
    1.4.2 电子鼻的应用    5
    1.5 研究白酒风特征的意义    6
    2材料与方法    6
    2.1材料    6
    2.1.1 实验材料与试剂    6
    2.1.2 主要仪器设备    7
    2.2白酒挥发物的提取    7
    2.3气相色谱-气质联用    7
    2.4电子舌检测    8
    2.5统计分析    8
    3结果与讨论    9
    3.1白酒的挥发性组分    9
        3.2电子舌系统的分析L1L2    17
    3.2.1 (主成成份分析)PCA分析    19
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