    关键词  聚乙二醇  硝化甘油 丁三醇三硝酸酯  相互作用 分子动力学模拟   
    Title Simulation on the interaction between polymer and nitrates
    NEPE propellant i.e. nitrates plasticized polyether propellant, has the advantages of both modified double base propellant and composite propellant, with higher energy and lower temperature mechanical properties. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a binder of NEPE propellant,although its content is small (ca 6% to 8% by weight), but plays a vital role in the mechanical properties of the propellant, so as the binder of NEPE propellant has been widely used in the world. Polyethylene glycol(PEG) as a binder, nitroglycerin (NG) and butanetriol trinitra (BTTN) as a nitrate ester plasticizers, were simulated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation at different temperatures for PEG 、NG and BTTN inpidually and their mixtures. The equilibrium trajectory of the simulations were used to explore the mechanism of interaction of the various components of the mixtures and find the nature of the interaction of each component of the mixed system. The mixing energy and other thermodynamic parameters were caculated.
    Keywords  polyethylene glycol(PEG)  nitroglycerin(NG)   butanetriol trinitra(BTTN)   simulation Interaction    Molecular dynamics (MD)
    1绪论    1
    1.1研究背景及意义    1
    1.2推进剂简介    1
    1.2.1推进剂发展历史    2
    1.2.2国内外固体推进剂的研究    3
    1.3研究方法    4
    1.3.1计算机模拟方法概述    4
    1.3.2分子动力学模拟(MD)及其基本原理    6
    1.4分析方法    8
    1.4.1内聚能密度(CED)    8
    1.4.2混合能    8
    1.4.3径向分布函数(RDF)    9
    1.4.4氢键    9
    2实验过程    9
    2.1实验方案    9
    2.2实验方法    9
    3 PEG、BTTN和NG的MD模拟    10
    3.1引言    10
    3.2纯组分模型构建和MD模拟    11
    3.3平衡判别与结果分析    12
    3.3.1体系平衡判别    12
    3.3.2结果与分析    14
    3.4本章结论    15
    4 PEG、BTTN和NG增塑体系的模拟    16
    4.1引言    16
    4.2模型构建和MD模拟    16
    4.3结果与讨论    17
    4.3.1体系平衡的判别    17
    4.3.2内聚能密度和溶解度参数    18
    4.3.3混合能    20
    4.4本章小结    21
    5 增塑体系氢键的探讨    22
    结    论    41
    致  谢    42
    参 考 文 献    43
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