    关键词:商业银行 互联网金融 第三方支付
    毕业论文外文摘要Title    The Study of Developing strategy for            
      Internet Based Economy of Commercial bank    
        People nowadays are entering into a digital time, while the informational technology has become the main impetus for the society. At the same time, the boundary between the reality and virtual world becomes gradually vague which makes the digital informational technology turn into the entirely new developing logic. The whole trend would trigger the technology disintermediation, information disintermediation and client-relationship disintermediation and also weaken the function of agency in the bank. Replacing the medium business, losing a lot of clients and the shrinking of traditional business, those old financial agencies are facing a tremendous revolution. However, basing on the historical position, the specialty of the commercial bank and other defects, it is difficult for International finance to replace those traditional business banks in recent years. Therefore, we should put these two kinds of form together, combining their advantage to make more profits.
        This article will explain the current situation of the net business of the traditional bank and the challenge they have to face in multi-aspect. What’s more, we would also use the innovative thesis and the long tail theory to discuss the innovative strategy and developing direction of the bank. Basing on those financial innovative theories, we could discuss the cause and target of the Internet finance’s rapid development. As the trend and background of the Internet finance, the long tail theory would bring new thoughts and influence to traditional banks’ Internet business. By combining cases from at home and abroad, we could compare each other and offer advices to deal with the predicament that the traditional bank facing in many aspects.
    Key words: Commercial bank   Internet finical Third party payment
    目 次
    1 引言    1
    1.1 研究背景和意义    1
    1.2 研究目的与框架结构    2
    1.3 研究方法    2
    2 相关理论    4
    2.1 金融创新理论    4
    2.2 蓝海战略    4
    2.3 长尾战略    5
    3 商业银行与互联网的发展现状分析    7
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