摘要上海一直是作为中国的经济中心,引领着中国经济前进,举国上下也一直以上海为经济发展的风向标,上海在经济方面的一举一动都牵动着整个中国的经济神经。在2013年,8月22日,上海在经济领域又有了新的行动,当日,中华人民共和国国务院正式批准了设立中国(上海)自由贸易试验区(China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone),在9月29日上午10时自贸区正式挂牌成立。伴随着上海自贸区的成立,一系列的问题也随之浮现了出来,平台已经搭建了,那在这个平台之上,我们该发展什么,如何发展,怎样能发展好。其实伴随着自贸区的建立,大家首先想到的就是离岸金融市场的建立,这在中国不是没有先例,但是可能只有在上海自贸区,离岸金融这个对中国来说的金融创新才能大放异彩。27046
关键词 上海自贸区 金融创新 离岸金融
Title The research on the financial innovation in China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
Shanghai which makes Chinese economy advance has been the economic center of China for a long time. Also Shanghai is always considered as the indicator of Chinese economy. Anything concerned with economy which Shanghai is executing will have a great impact on the whole country. On August 22,2013, Shanghai started something new about economy. On that day, Shanghai was authorized to set up China(Shanghai)Pilot Free Zone by the government. On September 29, it began. With the establishment of China (Shanghai)Pilot Free Zone, a great number of problems follow. We already have a platform. Then what we should build on the platform, how to build, how to make the building solid? In fact ,as the government set the China (Shanghai)Pilot Free Trade Zone, establishing Chinese offshore finance market seems a perfect choice. It is not strange to China. But maybe it has to be the China(Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone to make offshore finance market to show its extraordinary talents.
My essay will focus on illustrating the concept of offshore finance market, the origins and the development. Also it will contain some introductions about the different types of offshore finance market. Then I will analyze the condition of the development of offshore finance market and initiate some ideas about how to develop the market. And give some advice to the possible problems.
Keywords China(Shanghai)Pilot Free Zone financial innovation offshore finance
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究意义 1
1.3文献综述 1
2 上海自贸区金融创新方向——建立国际离岸金融市场 5
2.1 国际离岸金融市场的定义 5
2.2 离岸金融市场的类型 5
2.3 国际离岸金融市场产生和发展的原因 6
2.4 国际离岸金融市场的延伸——亚洲离岸金融市场出现 7
3 我国离岸金融市场的发展情况 8
4 上海自贸区金融创新方向的条件分析 10
4.1上海发展离岸金融的必要性 10
4.2上海自贸区内发展离岸金融市场的可行性 11
4.3上海自贸区发展离岸金融业务的金融环境分析 12
5 上海自贸区离岸金融业务发展的横向比较 14
- 上一篇:P2P网络借贷的发展现状与风险对策
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